Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.19 Release Notes

Important: A newer version of Wowza Streaming Engine is available. For more information, see Latest software updates for Wowza Streaming Engine.

Version: Wowza Streaming Engine™ 4.8.19+4 build 20220628155901 released on June 29, 2022.

Java support: Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.19 is built on Java 11 (OpenJDK Java SE JRE 11.0.2), but can be used with Java versions 11 - 12. For more information, see Manually install and troubleshoot Java on Wowza Streaming Engine.

New features and functionality in Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.19

Wowza Streaming Engine is a robust, customizable, and scalable media server software that powers reliable streaming of high-quality video and audio to any device, anywhere. Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.19 contains several enhancements and fixes that help to improve the functionality of the media server software.

SHA2 Authentication

With Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.19 we've added support for sha256 encryption for digest and digestfile methods of authentication. Because of this update, Cleartext is not compatible with Digest Authentication out of the box. For more information about how to work around this issue check this section.


When creating adaptive bit rate streams, it is now possible to use the group-manager push publish profile for cloudstorage.

Installation and update considerations for Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.19

If you are updating to Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.19 from a base installation of Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.17 or earlier, before you update, you need to install a supported version of Java, such as Java 11-12 or the OpenJDK Java SE JRE 11.0.2 installed with Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.18 (available from the Downloads tab of My Account). Then instruct Wowza Streaming Engine to use that version of Java according to the instructions in Manually install and troubleshoot Java on Wowza Streaming Engine.

When using the Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.18 installer to install a new instance of Wowza Streaming Engine on Windows, you may need to install additional dependencies in order to ingest SRT MediaCaster streams or use the generic SRT stream targets destination to publish an SRT stream. To address this, install the latest version of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio appropriate to your operating system.

For step-by-step instructions on how to install or update Wowza Streaming Engine, see the following articles:

Breaking changes in Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.19

Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.18 (or later) is compiled using Java 11 (OpenJDK Java SE JRE 11.0.2) and supports Java versions 11 - 12. Earlier versions of Java aren't supported. 

Important notes about changing the Java version:

  • Wowza Streaming Engine versions before 4.8.18 were compiled using Java 9. If you're updating an earlier installation of Wowza Streaming Engine to version 4.8.18 (or later), you must install OpenJDK Java SE JRE 11.0.2 before running the Wowza Streaming Engine updater. For your convenience, we've provided the OpenJDK Java SE JRE 11.0.2 files as a zip on the Downloads tab of your Wowza account.
  • If your Wowza Streaming Engine workflow uses custom modules or plugins, we recommend testing them with Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.18 (or later) in a non-production environment before updating your media server software. The following Java modules are included:
    • java.base
    • java.datatransfer
    • java.desktop
    • java.instrument
    • java.logging
    • java.naming
    • java.prefs
    • java.rmi
    • java.scripting
    • java.scripting.jgss
    • java.sql
    • java.transaction.xa
    • java.xml
    • jdk.crypto.cryptoki
    • jdk.httpserver
    • jdk.naming.rmi
    • jdk.unsupported
    • jdk.xml.dom
  • If you have other dependencies, you must install a Java 11 JRE or JDK that includes all your dependencies.

For more information, see Manually install and troubleshoot Java on Wowza Streaming Engine.

Detailed list of changes in Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.19

Changes since Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.18

  • Fixed an issue which caused Wowza Streaming Engine to crash when getting a thumbnail in Windows using the HTTPProviderGenerateThumbnail provider.
  • Resolved a Wowza Streaming Engine Manager issue which sometimes caused the streaming URLs of the Test Playback option to be insecure, even with the Secure URL checkbox marked.
  • Added support for group-manager to cloudstorage push publish profiles.
  • Updated Wowza's address in the EULA to reflect new office location.
  • Updated Spring Cloud dependencies to overcome CVE-2022-22965 vulnerability.
  • Added a warning message when trying to update the Wowza Streaming Engine using an untested Java version.
  • Changed the default Windows installation path from "C:\Program Files(x86)\.." to "C:\Program Files\..".
  • Added sha256 algorithm for digest and digestfile authentication methods.
  • Updated license key for VMWare InstallBuilder.
  • Updated Wowza logo image in WSEM footer.
  • Fixed an issue which caused the S3 stream target connection to break at midnight UTC.
  • Updated the Wowza watermark image used in the trial version.

Known issues with Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.19

For a detailed list of known issues that are still in effect, see Known issues with Wowza Streaming Engine.