Record a live stream on a Wowza Streaming Engine repeater edge

To record a live stream from a Wowza Streaming Engine™ media server software live stream repeater edge application, use the LiveStreamRecord feature and .stream files (or StreamNameAlias aliases). This is useful if the origin is an FMS server, for example.

  1. Create a .stream file in the edge content folder named This is a plain text file with a .stream file name extension. In the file, add the full RTMP URL to your origin stream.

File: /content/

Contents: rtmp://[wowza-origin-address]:1935/[live-origin-application]/myStream

Note: Make sure that your text editor did not add the .txt file name extension.

Alternatively, you can use the IMediaStreamNameAliasProvider2 API.

  1. Test with the Adobe Flash client that's included in the LiveVideoStreaming package.

Server: rtmp://[wowza-edge-address]:1935/[live-edge-application]

If the stream referenced in is working, you can use that stream name with HTTPLiveStreamRecord.