To record a live stream from a Wowza Streaming Engine™ media server software live stream repeater edge application, use the LiveStreamRecord feature and .stream files (or StreamNameAlias aliases). This is useful if the origin is an FMS server, for example.
- Create a .stream file in the edge content folder named This is a plain text file with a .stream file name extension. In the file, add the full RTMP URL to your origin stream.
File: /content/
Contents: rtmp://[wowza-origin-address]:1935/[live-origin-application]/myStream
Note: Make sure that your text editor did not add the .txt file name extension.
Alternatively, you can use the IMediaStreamNameAliasProvider2 API.
- Test with the Adobe Flash client that's included in the LiveVideoStreaming package.
Server: rtmp://[wowza-edge-address]:1935/[live-edge-application]
If the stream referenced in is working, you can use that stream name with HTTPLiveStreamRecord.