Create a player configuration in Wowza Video

Player configurations consist of the following categories:

  • General
  • Appearance
  • Plugins

The Player Configuration Details page reference article contains all of the configuration options and definitions available to configure your player.

1. Add a new player

To create a new player configuration:

  1. Click Configurations under Players on the navigation.
  2. Click New Player on the Players list.

2. Set the general settings

Besides the name of the player configuration, the other general settings are optional. Configure the options you want the player to have.

  1. Set the name for the player configuration. This name will help you distinguish between your configuration and what you use them for.
  2. Select a Preload configuration from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select a Starting quality from the drop-down menu.
  4. Check any Playback options you want the player to have.
  5. Add any restricted hostnames to prevent access to the stream.
    See More about hostname restrictions below. 
  6. Select an Ad Schedule from the drop-down menu.
    See More about ad schedules below. 
  7. Click Continue

More about hostname restrictions

You can secure your player configuration from being embedded in non-authorized sites by adding hostname restrictions.

Note: The hostname should be written without protocol or port and should not include the path to a specific page. If your content is accessible with both a and a url, you need to enter both versions.

Note: If you would like to allow all subdomains, you can enter * to allow as well as all subdomains (hosts) of such as,,

Examples of good hostnames are:

Examples of incorrectly specified hostnames are:

Note: If you want to allow the share links/iframes to work in a restricted player, you must allow in the host restrictions.

More about ad schedules

If you want to programmatically override the ad configuration that's configured, you can do that using the JavaScript embed. An example of how it might look is below. 

<div data-player-id="cdcc4202-ef0b-4e03-a43a-d1fcf6d83157">
  <script src="//">
      "src": "f576651c-4cc6-4664-84fa-bb3b35ef1aba",
      "ima": { "ads": [{
         "time": 0,
         "adTag": ";iu=/124319096/external/single_ad_samples&amp;ciu_szs=300x250&amp;impl=s&amp;gdfp_req=1&amp;env=vp&amp;output=vast&amp;unviewed_position_start=1&amp;cust_params=deployment%3Ddevsite%26sample_ct%3Dskippablelinear&amp;correlator=" }] }

In the sample code above:

  • data-player-id="<player id>" identifies the skinning and behavior configuration you created. You can see the ID in the page URL when selecting a player design.
  • //<site id>/native/flowplayer.async.js is the URL of the hosted player script, specific to your site.
  • "src": "<videoid>" contains the Flowplayer video ID, if it’s a remote asset, or "src": "//" is the URL to the video stream/file.

See Get started with advertising in Wowza Video for more information.

3. Set the appearance

Under the Appearance tab set the appearance of the player:

  1. Select the Play icon design.
  2. Select the Control bar design.
  3. Select the Color for the color player interface elements using HEX format.
  4. Check the Buttons you want to be visible on the control bar.
  5. Check any Metadata you want to display like the asset's title and/or description.
  6. Select a Language for used in the player UI.
  7. Click Continue.

4. Set the plugins

Plugins are used to add more features and functionality to the player. For some plugins, you simply add them to the player to set them. With other plugins, you can further configure them.

To add a plugin:

  1. Click Add plugin on the Plugins tab. 
  2. Review the selection of plugins.
  3. Click Add plugin for the plugin you want to add. The plugin displays under Selected plugins.
  4. If there is an Open config drop-down on the plugin, click it, then complete the configuration. Click Close config.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 as needed.
  6. Click Create player

See Player configuration setup page in Wowza Video for more information about each available plugin.