Intercept and block incoming UDP packets for an RTP or MPEG-TS stream with the Wowza Streaming Engine Java API

Use the Wowza Streaming Engine™ Java API to intercept the UDP packets in incoming RTP or MPEG-TS streams and control which packets are passed to the depacketizer. This enables you to block stray UDP packets coming from a port sniffer or other sources, pull out specific data (such as a custom track, application track, or MPEG-TS PID) from the stream, monitor the incoming UDP stream for health, and more.

To intercept UDP packets in an incoming RTP or MPEG-TS stream, create a class that implements the IRTPDePacketizerWrapper interface. This enables decryption, filtering, or re-ordering of the individual UDP packets before they're processed by Wowza Streaming Engine:

package com.wowza.wms.plugin.test.depacketizer;


import com.wowza.wms.application.*;
import com.wowza.wms.rtp.depacketizer.*;
import com.wowza.wms.rtp.model.*;

public class RTPDePacketizerWrapperFilter implements IRTPDePacketizerWrapper
	private IRTPDePacketizer rtpDePacketizer = null;

	public void setDePacketizer(IRTPDePacketizer rtpDePacketizer)
		this.rtpDePacketizer = rtpDePacketizer;

	public boolean canHandle(RTPTrack rtpTrack)
		return rtpDePacketizer.canHandle(rtpTrack);

	public void handleRTCPPacket(SocketAddress socketAddr, RTPTrack rtpTrack, byte[] bytes, int offset, int len)
		// filter here based on socketAddr
		rtpDePacketizer.handleRTCPPacket(socketAddr, rtpTrack, bytes, offset, len);

	public void handleRTPPacket(SocketAddress socketAddr, RTPTrack rtpTrack, byte[] bytes, int offset, int len)
		// process RTP packets
		rtpDePacketizer.handleRTPPacket(socketAddr, rtpTrack, bytes, offset, len);

	public void init(RTPContext rtpContext, RTPDePacketizerItem rtpDePacketizerItem)
		rtpDePacketizer.init(rtpContext, rtpDePacketizerItem);

	public void setProperties(WMSProperties properties)

	public void shutdown(RTPTrack rtpTrack)

	public void startup(RTPTrack rtpTrack)

To add the above wrapper to your Application.xml file, add the following property to the <RTP>/Properties container:
