Use the following module in the Wowza Streaming Engine™ Java API to log stats for each play stream on a timer.
package com.wowza.wms.example.module; import java.util.*; import com.wowza.wms.application.*; import com.wowza.wms.amf.*; import com.wowza.wms.application.WMSProperties; import; import; import com.wowza.wms.module.*; import; import; import java.util.Timer; import com.wowza.util.IOPerformanceCounter; public class ModuleStreamStats extends ModuleBase { public void onStreamCreate(IMediaStream stream) { getLogger().info("onStreamCreate by: " + stream.getClientId()); IMediaStreamActionNotify3 actionNotify = new StreamListener(); WMSProperties props = stream.getProperties(); synchronized(props) { props.put("streamActionNotifier", actionNotify); } stream.addClientListener(actionNotify); } public void onStreamDestroy(IMediaStream stream) { getLogger().info("onStreamDestroy by: " + stream.getClientId()); IMediaStreamActionNotify3 actionNotify = null; WMSProperties props = stream.getProperties(); synchronized(props) { actionNotify = (IMediaStreamActionNotify3)stream.getProperties().get("streamActionNotifier"); } if (actionNotify != null) { stream.removeClientListener(actionNotify); getLogger().info("removeClientListener: "+stream.getSrc()); } } class StreamListener implements IMediaStreamActionNotify3 { public void onPlay(IMediaStream stream, String streamName, double playStart, double playLen, int playReset) { streamName = stream.getName(); getLogger().info("Stream Name: " + streamName); StreamStats watchdog = new StreamStats(); IApplicationInstance appInstance; try { try { appInstance = stream.getClient().getAppInstance(); } catch(Exception ex) { appInstance = stream.getRTPStream().getAppInstance(); } = stream; watchdog.start(); appInstance.getProperties().setProperty(streamName, watchdog); } catch(Exception ex) { } } public void onMetaData(IMediaStream stream, AMFPacket metaDataPacket) { getLogger().info("onMetaData By: " + stream.getClientId()); } public void onPauseRaw(IMediaStream stream, boolean isPause, double location) { getLogger().info("onPauseRaw By: " + stream.getClientId()); } public void onSeek(IMediaStream stream, double location) { } public void onStop(IMediaStream stream) { getLogger().info("onStop By: " + stream.getClientId()); String streamName = stream.getName(); StreamStats watchdog = (StreamStats)stream.getClient().getAppInstance().getProperties().getProperty(streamName); if (watchdog != null) watchdog.stop(); } public void onUnPublish(IMediaStream stream, String streamName, boolean isRecord, boolean isAppend) { } public void onPublish(IMediaStream stream, String streamName, boolean isRecord, boolean isAppend) { } public void onPause(IMediaStream stream, boolean isPause, double location) { } public void onCodecInfoAudio(IMediaStream stream, MediaCodecInfoAudio codecInfoAudio) { } public void onCodecInfoVideo(IMediaStream stream, MediaCodecInfoVideo codecInfoVideo) { } } private class StreamStats { public Timer mTimer; public TimerTask mTask; public IMediaStream stream; public StreamStats(){ mTask = new TimerTask() { public void run() { getLogger().info("Run StreamStats"); if (stream!=null) { IOPerformanceCounter perf = stream.getMediaIOPerformance(); getLogger().info("Perf: " + perf.getMessagesOutBytes()); } } }; } public void start(){ if (mTimer==null) mTimer = new Timer(); mTimer.schedule(mTask, 10000, 10000); getLogger().info("Start StreamStats"); } public void stop(){ if (mTimer != null){ mTimer.cancel(); mTimer=null; getLogger().info("Stop StreamStats"); } } } }