Secure WebM MPEG-DASH streams using Common Encryption in Wowza Streaming Engine

Learn how to configure encryption for WebM MPEG-DASH streams using the Common Encryption (CENC) standard with Wowza Streaming Engine™ media server software. This article assumes you're sending a WebM compatible VP8/VP9 stream directly to Wowza Streaming Engine. You can also use Transcoder to generate the VP8/VP9 stream.

Note: Wowza Streaming Engine 4.4.0 or later is required.

Before you start

You should complete the following tasks:

You should also be familiar with the following concepts:

Encrypt WebM MPEG-DASH streams with CENC

  1. Add the following custom module that injects DRM information into the WebM live stream.
    import com.wowza.wms.drm.cenc.*;
    import com.wowza.wms.module.*;
    public class ModuleWebMDashEncryption extends ModuleBase
        public static class WebMDashCustomDRMInfo implements ICencDRMInfo
            String systemName = null;
            String systemId = null;
            String url = null;
            public WebMDashCustomDRMInfo(String systemName)
                this.systemName = systemName;
            public void setSystemId(String systemId)
                this.systemId = systemId;
            public String getSystemId()
                return systemId;
            public String getURL()
                return url;
            public void setURL(String url)
                this.url = url;
            public String getNameSpaces()
                return null;
            public String getMPEGDashCPSubElements(boolean keyRotation)
                return null;
            public String getSystemName()
                return this.systemName;
            public boolean supportsKeyGeneration()
                return false;
            public byte[] generateKey(byte[] KID)
                return null;
            public void updateKeyInfo(byte[] KID, byte[] contentKey)
            public byte[] serialize()
                return null;
            public void deserialize(byte[] data)
            public byte[] getPsshData(boolean keyRotation)
                return null;
            public void setPsshData(byte[] psshData)
            public boolean isComplete()
                return true;
        public void onHTTPMPEGDashEncryptionKeyLiveChunk(ILiveStreamPacketizer liveStreamPacketizer, String streamName, CencInfo cencInfo, long chunkId)
            if (cencInfo.getKID() != null && cencInfo.getEncKeyString() != null)
                    String idStr = "test";
                    String url = "empty";
                    String systemId = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012";
                    WebMDashCustomDRMInfo drmInfo = new WebMDashCustomDRMInfo(idStr);
                    getLogger().info("ModuleWebMDashEncryption.onHTTPMPEGDashEncryptionKeyLiveChunk["+streamName+"]: Add DRM: "+idStr+":"+systemId);
                    cencInfo.addDRM(idStr+":"+systemId, drmInfo);
                catch (Exception e)
                    getLogger().error("ModuleWebMDashEncryption.onHTTPMPEGDashEncryptionKeyLiveChunk["+streamName+"]: ", e);
  2. Add a key file named [install-dir]/keys/myStream.key to encrypt the live stream. For additional parameter information, see Secure MPEG-DASH streams using Common Encryption in Wowza Streaming Engine
    mpegdashstreaming-cenc-key-id: 12345DCF-7F93-4B8E-85C7-F908840DA059
    mpegdashstreaming-cenc-content-key: Hh8gISIjJCUmJx4fICEiIw==
    mpegdashstreaming-cenc-scheme: cenc
    mpegdashstreaming-cenc-pssh-version: 1
  3. Send a WebM-compatible live stream named myStream to your live application in Wowza Streaming Engine. You should see a log statement similar to the following that indicates the stream is being encrypted:

    MPEGDashWriterHandler.createChunkWebM[myApplication/_definst_/myStream]: WebM encryption: kid:12345dcf7f934b8e85c7f908840da059
  4. Play the stream using a player that supports WebM MPEG-DASH encryption like Google Shaka Player. Refer to the documentation for your player for information about configuring playback of encrypted WebM MPEG-DASH streams.

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