Learn how to use the IRTPPacketizerMPEGTSPacketNotify2 interface with the MPEG-TS packetizer in Wowza Streaming Engine™ media server software to add additional data streams to an outgoing MPEG-TS stream.
- Wowza Streaming Engine or later is required for IRTPPacketizerMPEGTSPacketNotify.
- Wowza Streaming Engine 4.6.0 or later is required for IRTPPacketizerMPEGTSPacketNotify2.
- init – Using the IRTPPacketizerMPEGTSPacketNotify interface, init is called when the MPEG-TS packetizer is initialized.
void IRTPPacketizerMPEGTSPacketNotify.init(RTPPacketizerMPEGTS rtpPacketizerMPEGTS, IMediaStream stream, RTPTrack rtpTrack);
- handleAMFPacket – Using the IRTPPacketizerMPEGTSPacketNotify interface, handleAMFPacket is called for each AMF packet in the stream. This includes audio, video, and data packets.
void IRTPPacketizerMPEGTSPacketNotify.handleAMFPacket(OutputStream out, IMediaStream stream, RTPTrack rtpTrack, AMFPacket packet, long timecode);
- onPATPMT – Using the IRTPPacketizerMPEGTSPacketNotify2 interface, onPATPMT is called each time the MPEG-TS program attribute table (PAT) and program map table (PMT) are written out. It gives you a chance to add additional packet identifiers (PIDs) and descriptors to the PMT.
void IRTPPacketizerMPEGTSPacketNotify2.onPATPMT(PMTInfo pmtInfo);
In the handleAMFPacket call, you can use RTPPacketizerMPEGTS.addDataEvent to add data to the outgoing MPEG-TS stream.
dataFormat: RTPPacketizerMPEGTS.DATAEVENT_DATA_TYPE_RAW RTPPacketizerMPEGTS.DATAEVENT_DATA_TYPE_PES RTPPacketizerMPEGTS.addDataEvent(long timecode, int dataFormat, int pid, byte[] buffer, int offset, int len);
You can add two types of data:
- DATAEVENT_DATA_TYPE_RAW is data that has already been formatted into MPEG-TS packets. This data should be in 188-byte blocks, and is written directly to the output.
- DATAEVENT_DATA_TYPE_PES is elementary stream data, such as audio or video, that's wrapped in a PES packet before being sent.
In the onPATPMT call, you can use the PMTInfo class to add PIDS and descriptors to the MPEG-TS PMT packet. The PMTInfo class has the following structure:
PMTInfo List of DescriptorInfo objects Map of PMTStreamInfo objects
The PMTStreamInfo class has the following structure:
PMTStreamInfo stream_type elementary_PID List of DescriptorInfo objects
The DescriptorInfo class has the following structure:
DescriptorInfo descriptor_tag buffer, offset, len
Using the IRTPPacketizerMPEGTSPacketNotify2 interface
To use this interface, create a class that implements the IRTPPacketizerMPEGTSPacketNotify2 interface. To do this, add the following custom property:
- In Wowza Streaming Engine Manager, click the Applications tab and then click the name of your live application in the contents panel.
- On the application page Properties tab, click Custom in the Quick Links bar.
Note: Access to the Properties tab is limited to administrators with advanced permissions. For more information, see Manage credentials. - In the Custom area, click Edit.
- Click Add Custom Property, specify the following settings in the Add Custom Property dialog box, and then click Add:
- Path - Select /Root/Application/Streams.
- Name - Enter mpegtsPacketNotifyClass.
- Type - Select String.
- Value - Enter com.mycompany.wowza.plugin.RTPPacketizerMPEGTSPacketNotifyID3Data.
- Path - Select /Root/Application/Streams.
- Click Save, and then restart the application to apply the changes.
Your class will be instantiated for each new outgoing MPEG-TS stream.
For a working example that demonstrates how to use this interface, see Insert ID3 data events into MPEG-TS streams in Wowza Streaming Engine.