Real-time streams details page in Wowza Video

This article introduces the different parts of the Real-Time Stream Details page to help you find your way around the Wowza Video user interface.

Real-Time Stream Details page

This page contains information you can use to manage and monitor your real-time stream as well as additional configuration options.

Share stream

At the top of the stream details page, you'll find the viewing formats that Wowza Video generates several for your stream, giving you flexibility in presentation. You can use one viewing format or combine them for a more robust viewing experience.

When you click Share stream, you'll get access to the following viewing formats:

  • JavaScript embed code — Copy this code and add it to your site to embed the specified player into your own site. 
  • iFrame embed code — Copy this code and add it to your site to embed an iFrame with the specified player into your own site.
  • Hosted page — Copy the Hosted page link URL and share it directly with your viewers. Wowza Video automatically generates a web page, that we host for you, and embed with the specified player. No coding required.

Overview tab

  • Connection – Details needed to configure your source connection vary depending on the video source you've chosen.
    • ID – The ID Wowza Video automatically assigns to the stream when it is created. 
    • RTMP Connection URL – A URL to configure an RTMP encoder as the source.
    • Stream Name – The name Wowza Video automatically assigns to the stream when it is created.
    • Publish Token – The authentication token you pass to the SDK.

Settings tab

The Settings tab shows stream options that you can edit to change or further configure your stream. 

  • Title — A short, descriptive identifier for the stream that differentiates it from other streams. It doesn't have to be unique.
  • Description — Description of the real-time stream. Typically, you'd describe the purpose of the stream or other stream related notes.
  • Region— The geographic region where Wowza Video transcodes and processes your real-time stream. Select a region that is as close as possible to where your stream will originate. If you select Auto-Select, Wowza Video will set the region based on the publisher's location. The regions available are specific to the real-time stream implementation and vary from other types of live streams.
    • Auto Select
    • Amsterdam
    • Bangalore
    • Phoenix
    • Singapore
  • Poster image — A poster image to appear in the player before the stream begins. To prevent distortion or cropping, make sure the image has the same resolution as the source video. Poster images must be GIF, JPEG, or PNG format and no larger than 2.5 MB.
  • Record this stream — Records the stream and makes the video available in MP4 and HLS in the Videos section of the user interface. You can't change this setting after the stream is created. You can't edit this field after initial creation. The VOD content persists in the live playback URL. This means that viewers can access the VOD stream using the same playback URL they used to view the original live stream. 
    • Make an ABR stream from MP4 — When enabled, an entire ABR ladder is created from the MP4 and available in the Videos section of the user interface. When disabled, no ABR ladder is created from the MP4. This option is enabled by default when recording the stream. 
  • Enable playback security — When enabled, requires the viewer's player to pass a security token to allow playback. You'll need to also specify an expiration date for the security token. You can't change this setting after the stream is created. You can't edit this field after initial creation.