With Wowza Streaming Engine™ media server software version 4.5.0 and later, you can use an HTTP provider to host a WebSocket communication session. HTTP providers are Java classes that are configured on a per-virtual host basis. They are lightweight web applications that can send information to or obtain information from a Wowza Streaming Engine server instance. This article describes how to create an HTTP provider to host a WebSocket session.
A WebSocket session provides a persistent connection between a browser and Wowza Streaming Engine. The WebSocket protocol can be used to send text or binary data between browsers. Examples of WebSocket applications are text, chat, out-of-band metadata, and control data.
Note: Wowza Streaming Engine 4.5.0 is required for HTTP providers to support WebSocket sessions.
HTTP providers are lighweight HTTP web applications that extend Wowza Streaming Engine functionality. They are configured on a per-port basis in [install-dir]/conf/VHost.xml. An individual HTTP provider can be protected by a user name and password. Multiple HTTP providers can be attached to a single port and a specific HTTP provider can be selected based on a request filter. HTTP providers can also host WebSocket sessions for sending asynchronous, bi-directional information to and from a Wowza Streaming Engine instance.
The WebSocket protocol provides full-duplex communication changes over a TCP connection. The WebSocket protocol is supported by most modern web browsers and can be used with socket servers such as node.js. A WebSocket connection starts as an HTTP upgrade request. In your HTTP provider, you can accept the upgrade request and a WebSocket session is created and used to send and receive messages.
You'll need the Wowza™ IDE for Eclipse. See Extend Wowza Streaming Engine using the Wowza IDE.
Create an HTTP provider to host WebSocket sessions
Each HTTP provider extends the HTTPProvider2Base. For more information about creating and configuring HTTP providers, see Create a Wowza Streaming Engine HTTP provider.
The following is an example of an HTTP provider that supports the WebSocket protocol:
import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.*; import com.wowza.util.*; import com.wowza.wms.http.*; import com.wowza.wms.logging.*; import com.wowza.wms.server.*; import com.wowza.wms.util.*; import com.wowza.wms.vhost.*; import com.wowza.wms.websocket.model.*; public class HTTPProviderWebSocket extends HTTPProvider2Base { private static final Class<HTTPProviderWebSocket> CLASS = HTTPProviderWebSocket.class; private static final String CLASSNAME = "HTTPProviderWebSocket"; public static final String DATEFORMAT = "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss"; public static final int TIMER_INTERVAL = 6000; private FastDateFormat fastDateFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance(DATEFORMAT, SystemUtils.gmtTimeZone, Locale.US); private Timer timer = null; private Object lock = new Object(); // WebSocket listener class MyWebSocketListener extends WebSocketEventNotifyBase { @Override public void onCreate(IWebSocketSession webSocketSession) { WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME+"#MyWebSocketListener.onCreate["+webSocketSession.getSessionId()+"]"); } @Override public void onDestroy(IWebSocketSession webSocketSession) { WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME+"#MyWebSocketListener.onDestroy["+webSocketSession.getSessionId()+"]"); } @Override public void onMessage(IWebSocketSession webSocketSession, WebSocketMessage message) { // echo messages we receive back to the browser if (message.isText()) { WebSocketMessage messageText = WebSocketMessage.createMessageText(webSocketSession.isMaskOutgoingMessages(), message.getValueString()); webSocketSession.sendMessage(messageText); WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME+"#MyWebSocketListener.onMessage["+webSocketSession.getSessionId()+"][text]: "+message.getValueString()); } else if (message.isBinary()) { WebSocketMessage messageBinary = WebSocketMessage.createMessageBinary(webSocketSession.isMaskOutgoingMessages(), message.getBuffer(), message.getOffset(), message.getLen()); webSocketSession.sendMessage(messageBinary); WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME+"#MyWebSocketListener.onMessage["+webSocketSession.getSessionId()+"][binary]: #"+BufferUtils.encodeHexString(message.getBuffer(), message.getOffset(), message.getLen())); } } } class MyTimerTask extends TimerTask { private IVHost vhost = null; private WebSocketContext webSocketContext = null; MyTimerTask(IVHost vhost) { this.vhost = vhost; this.webSocketContext = vhost.getWebSocketContext(); } @Override public void run() { String messageStr = Server.getInstance().getVersion()+" date:"+fastDateFormat.format(new Date())+" GMT"; // broadcast message to all active sessions attached to this HTTPProvider WebSocketMessage messageText = WebSocketMessage.createMessageText(webSocketContext.isMaskOutgoingMessages(), messageStr); broadcastWebSocketMessage(messageText); WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME+"#MyTimerTask.run: "+messageStr); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void onHTTPRequest(IVHost vhost, IHTTPRequest req, IHTTPResponse resp) { if (!doHTTPAuthentication(vhost, req, resp)) return; synchronized(lock) { // create timer task on first connection if (this.timer == null) { this.timer = new Timer(); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new MyTimerTask(vhost), TIMER_INTERVAL, TIMER_INTERVAL); } } // is this an upgrade request if (req.isUpgradeRequest()) { // it this an websocket upgrade request String upgradeType = req.getHeader("upgrade"); if (upgradeType != null && upgradeType.equalsIgnoreCase(IWebSocketSession.HTTPHEADER_NAME)) { // set response header to accept the upgrade resp.setHeader("Upgrade", IWebSocketSession.HTTPHEADER_NAME); resp.setHeader("Connection", "Upgrade"); // set the security hash String webSocketKey = req.getHeader(IWebSocketSession.HTTPHEADER_SECKEY); if (webSocketKey != null) { String digestStr = WebSocketUtils.createSecResponse(webSocketKey); if (digestStr != null) resp.setHeader(IWebSocketSession.HTTPHEADER_SECACCEPT, digestStr); } // set 101 response code to accept upgrade request resp.setResponseCode(101); // insert WebSocket listener for this session resp.setUpgradeRequestProtocol(IHTTPResponse.UPGRADE_PROTOCOL_WEBSOCKETS, new MyWebSocketListener()); } else resp.setResponseCode(404); // return 404 if not websocket upgrade request } else resp.setResponseCode(404); //return 404 if not upgrade request } }
This HTTP provider echos back the WebSocket messages it receives and periodically broadcasts a text WebSocket message to all connected sessions.
Send and receive WebSocket messages
WebSocket messages are received by a listener class that implements the IWebSocketEventNotify interface. We recommend that you create a class that extends the WebSocketEventNotifyBase and overrides the callback methods you want to use.
There are two types of WebSocket messages: binary and text.
- A text WebSocket message is created using the following API:
WebSocketMessage.createMessageText(boolean mask, String messageStr);
- A binary Websocket message is created using one of the following APIs:
WebSocketMessage.createMessageBinary(boolean mask, byte[] buffer); WebSocketMessage.createMessageBinary(boolean mask, byte[] buffer, int offset, int len);
A WebSocket message can be sent over an individual WebSocketSession using the following API:
webSocketSession.sendMessage(WebSocketMessage message);
An HTTP provider maintains a list of active WebSocket sessions. A message can be broadcast to all sessions of a given HTTP provider using the following API:
httpProvider.broadcastWebSocketMessage(WebSocketMessage message);
View WebSocket messages in a browser
With an HTTP provider, you can view information from your own specified URL. For example:
The following is an example of HTML and JavaScript that corresponds to the WebSocket HTTP provider above, and can be used to send and receive message to a web browser. This file must be hosted on a web server as an HTML file. You need to change the wsURL variable to point to your Wowza Streaming Engine instance that's running the WebSocket HTTP provider:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Wowza Streaming Engine: WebSocket Test</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var wsURL = "ws://localhost:8086/websockets"; var ws = null; var wsIsOpen = false; // convert hex string to binary array function hex2bin(hex) { var bytes = new Uint8Array(hex.length/2); for(var i=0; i< hex.length-1; i+=2) { bytes[i/2] = parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16); } return bytes; } // browser generic get element by id function getElement(id) { if (document.getElementById) { return document.getElementById(id); } else if (document.all) { return window.document.all[id]; } else if (document.layers) { return window.document.layers[id]; } return null; } // connection function function connect() { if ("WebSocket" in window) { if (wsIsOpen) { // if connected, close connection ws.close(); } else { // if not connected, open new WebSocket connection ws = new WebSocket(wsURL); ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; // 'blob' ws.onopen = function() { // WebSocket is open wsIsOpen = true; updateControls(); doLog("INFO: WebSocket is open: "+wsURL); }; ws.onmessage = function (evt) { var msgData = evt.data; if (msgData instanceof ArrayBuffer) // binary arraybuffer { var dv = new DataView(msgData); var hexStr = ''; for (var i = 0; i < dv.byteLength; i++) { var itemVal = (dv.getInt8(i) & 0x0FF).toString(16); if (itemVal.length < 2) itemVal = '0'+itemVal; hexStr += itemVal; } doLog("INFO: Receive binary message [arraybuffer]: "+hexStr); } else if (msgData instanceof Blob) // binary blob { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener("loadend", function() { var dv = new DataView(reader.result); var hexStr = ''; for (var i = 0; i < dv.byteLength; i++) { var itemVal = (dv.getInt8(i) & 0x0FF).toString(16); if (itemVal.length < 2) itemVal = '0'+itemVal; hexStr += itemVal; } doLog("INFO: Receive binary message [blob]: "+hexStr); }); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(msgData); } else // text message { doLog("INFO: Receive text message: "+msgData); } }; ws.onclose = function() { // WebSocket is close doLog("INFO: WebSocket connection is closed"); wsIsOpen = false; updateControls(); clearLog(); }; } } } // send message function sendMessage() { var txtObj = getElement('txtMessage').value; if (txtObj.charAt(0) == '#' && txtObj.length > 1) { txtObj = txtObj.substring(1, txtObj.length); var binaryMsg = hex2bin(txtObj); doLog("INFO: Send binary message: "+txtObj); ws.send(binaryMsg); } else { doLog("INFO: Send text message: "+txtObj); ws.send(txtObj); } } // enable/disable controls function updateControls() { getElement('butSend').disabled = !wsIsOpen; getElement('txtMessage').disabled = !wsIsOpen; getElement('butConnect').value = wsIsOpen?'Disconnect':'Connect'; } // initialize the page function doLoad() { updateControls(); if (!("WebSocket" in window)) { doLog("WARN: WebSocket API is NOT supported by your Browser!"); } } // clear HTML logging function clearLog() { getElement('spanLog').innerHTML = ''; } // append log statements to HTML page function doLog(logStr) { console.log(logStr); getElement('spanLog').innerHTML += logStr+'<br/>'; } </script> </head> <body onload="doLoad();"> <input type="button" id="butConnect" value="Connect" onclick="connect();" /><br/><br/> <input type="button" id="butSend" value="Send Message" onclick="sendMessage();" /> <input type="text" id="txtMessage" size="30" value="Hello, Wowza Streaming Engine!"> (start binary data with #, ex. #01a437)<br/><br/> <span id="spanLog"></span> </body> </html>