Transcoder setup page in Wowza Video

This article introduces the different parts of the Transcoder Setup page to help you find your way around the Wowza Video user interface. You use this page to configure a transcoder. 

Note: The Advanced transcoders, stream targets, and stream sources feature is currently offered under limited availability meaning the functionality is available to select Wowza Video users. If you need this functionality, please email us at

You must have an Advanced Wowza Video user role on your user profile to see the Advanced section in our main navigation to use transcoders. An org owner can assign the Advanced Wowza Video user role to you  so you can access transcoders.

Click Transcoders in the navigation, then + Add new to get to the Transcoder Setup page.  

  • Title – A short, descriptive identifier for the transcoder that differentiates it from other transcoders. It doesn't have to be unique.
  • Description – Description of the transcoder. Typically, you'd describe the purpose of the transcoder or other transcoder-related notes. 
  • Source Protocol – The transport protocol for the source video:
    • File - Files (.mp4, .mp3, .flv) can be used as a source for a live stream. Http, Https, gs, and s3 protocols are supported. Enter the source file URL in the Source File field that displays after you select File.
    • RTMP – Adobe Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) connections accept communications from sources such as Adobe Media Server. By default, RTMP-based connections require a source username and password to authenticate, and use TCP port 1935.
    • RTSP – Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) connections are used to establish and control sessions between streaming sources. Data transmission is controlled by Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) and Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP). RTSP connections don't support stream smoothing. By default, RTSP-based connections require a source usernmae and password to authenticate, and use TCP port 554.
    • SRT – Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) connections accept communications over an open source video transport protocol developed by the SRT Alliance. SRT is designed to deliver secure, high-quality, low latency live streams over unpredictable network conditions. By default, SRT uses UDP port 10000.
    • UDP – User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a connectionless protocol that allows communications between source and destination without requiring a handshake to be established. This makes it easier to transmit information quickly, but also makes UDP more prone to network issues, packet loss, and packets arriving out of order. By default, UDP uses UDP port 10000.
    • WebRTC – Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) connections accept communications over an open framework that enables real-time communication of audio, video, and data in web browsers and apps. WebRTC is designed for peer-to-peer connections but includes fallbacks in case direct connections fail.
  • Source Delivery Method – The type of connection:
    • Pull from source URL – Instructs Wowza Video to pull the stream from an RTMP or RTSP source. Enter the server's web address in the Source URL field without the preceding protocol or trailing slash (/).
    • Push to existing stream source – Lets you choose a stream source that you created in Wowza Video. For RTMP source types only.
    • Push to Wowza Video – Indicates that your video source will push the stream to Wowza Video. For push connections, enter the optional Source Stream Extension. Some encoders automatically append an extension to their stream names. If the device you're using does this, enter the extension as a period (.) followed by alphanumeric characters.
  • Transcoder Type – If your subscription plan covers passthrough transcoding, choose Transcoded to transcode your source video and create multiple output renditions of your stream at different bitrates, or, choose Passthrough to send the source video directly to a target without creating adaptive bitrate output renditions.
    Note: The Transcoder Type can't be changed after the transcoder is created.
  • Billing Mode – If your subscription plan covers 24x7 billing, choose whether you want to run the transcoder in One time event or 24x7 mode.
  • 24x7 transcoders run until they are stopped either manually or by using a schedule. They do not automatically stop after the transcoder has been idle for 20 minutes.
  • 24x7 transcoders can't be recorded.
  • Asia Pacific (Taiwan), EU (Belgium), US Central (Iowa), and US East (South Carolina) don't allocate dedicated GPU resources to 4K, 24x7 streams. As a result, running 4K streams in the 24x7 billing mode at these locations is not recommended.
  • The Billing Mode can't be changed after the transcoder is created.
  • Region – The geographic region where Wowza Video transcodes and processes your stream. Select a region that is as close as possible to where your stream will originate.
  • Source Stream Extension – For push connections only, enter the optional Extension. Some encoders automatically append an extension to their stream names. If the device you're using does this, enter the extension as a period (.) followed by alphanumeric characters.
  • Idle Timeout – Stops transcoders after no video has been received for the specified length of time. The default timeout is 1200 seconds, or 20 minutes, for pay-as-you-go transcoders and 0 seconds for 24x7 transcoders. When Idle Timeout is set to 0, Wowza Video doesn't stop the transcoder.
  • Disable Stream Targets – By default, stream targets start when the transcoder starts. Selecting Disable stream targets on transcoder start, however, keeps all stream targets disabled (not broadcasting) when you start the transcoder. If selected, you must manually start the targets on the Outputs & Targets tab of the Transcoder Details page when you're ready for viewers to see the broadcast at your stream targets.


  • Enable Security – By default, Wowza Video automatically secures RTMP and RTSP connections that push directly to Wowza Video by requiring username/password authentication. 
  • Source Username  The Source Username. You can change the Source Username. Usernames can contain only upper and lowercase letters; numbers; and the period (.), underscore (_), and hyphen (-) characters. No other special characters can be used. SRT, UDP, and WebRTC ingest streams don't support Security.
  • Source Password – The Source Password. You can change the Source Pasword. Passwords can contain only upper and lowercase letters; numbers; and the period (.), underscore (_), and hyphen (-) characters. No other special characters can be used. SRT, UDP, and WebRTC ingest streams don't support Security.


  • Record this Stream – Records the live stream and makes the video available in the Videos section of the user interface.

Closed Captions

  • Closed Captions – Wowza Video can receive closed caption data with your source stream so that captions appear when the stream is played using the HDS and HLS protocols. Choose the type of caption your video source is sending to Wowza Video: CEA-608 (digital), Action Message Format (AMF) onTextData, or CEA-608 (digital) and onTextData. To omit captions from playback, leave the closed captioning options unchecked.
  • Wowza Video supports the digital CEA-608 portion of the CEA-708 closed captioning standard. Closed captioning isn't supported for SRT ingest.
  • If you use 3Play media for live captioning, do not select CEA-608 (digital) or onTextData options during or after transcoder creation. See Use live captioning with 3Play media and Wowza Video for information on how to set up live captioning instead.
  • Buffer Size – The incoming buffer stores packets before they're processed, enabling more efficient transcoding. An optimum buffer size reduces stream jittering and helps ensure successful transmuxing. (Transmuxing is the process of converting to a different container format without changing the stream's content.) The default is set at 4 seconds.
  • Sort Packet Buffer – Reduces the time it takes to decode and deliver video data to the player by turning off the sort packet buffer.
  • Stream Smoother – A dynamic buffer that helps stabilize streams in rough network conditions but adds latency. For RTMP source types only.


  • Add Watermark – If desired, select Add Watermark. Then, navigate to and select an image to embed as a watermark in your video stream. The watermark is encoded into all bitrate renditions of a transcoded stream. Watermark images must be GIF, JPEG, or PNG format and no larger than 2.5 MB.

After choosing the image, specify the corner of the video frame where the watermark should appear. To resize the image, enter a Width and Height. Then, specify the Opacity by entering a percentage between 0 (completely transparent) and 100 (opaque).

  • Watermarks aren't available for passthrough transcoders and don't appear on passthrough output renditions.
  • Watermarks aren't embedded in Wowza Video recordings.