A video-on-demand (VOD) asset can have multiple closed captioning or subtitling language tracks associated with it. Captions are either embedded in the asset file itself or in a separate companion file. This article describes how to configure Wowza Streaming Engine™ media server software to make each of these caption language tracks available to various players.
- Wowza Streaming Engine does not support using multiple caption languages with SRT and SCC caption sources for VOD streams.
- Wowza Streaming Engine can ingest multiple languages but can only provide one caption language track at a time in the output stream.
- Wowza Streaming Engine can make captions available to various players, however, only iOS devices using HLS (Cupertino) streaming support CEA-608 captions in MP4 assets.
Supported language codes
Wowza Streaming Engine generally supports ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2/T, and ISO 639-2/B language codes (for example, "fr", "fra", "fre"). User selection and server configuration of language codes specifically require that you use three-letter ISO 639-2/T or 639-2/B codes; however, input caption files may specify other language code formats, including two-letter (ISO 639-1) and formats that use four or more letters. To support legacy caption files, when Wowza Streaming Engine ingests 4+ letter format caption data, it will truncate anything after the first two characters of the provided language code, and treat the remainder as a two-letter ISO 639-1 code, and then convert that to a three-character ISO 639-2/T code for storage and playback.
For best results, we recommend using three-character ISO 639-2/T language IDS when possible.
Caption language selection
The caption language that's provided depends on a combination of specific client selections and Wowza Streaming Engine configuration.
Specifying a caption language with URL parameters
The caption language can be specified in the URL used by a player. The wowzacaptionlanguages URL parameter will overwrite language codes defined in your application's caption language properties. For example:
Specifying a caption language in Wowza Streaming Engine Manager
- Click the Applications tab, and then click the name of your VOD application.
- Click the Properties tab, and then click Closed Captions in the Quick Links bar.
Note: Access to the Properties tab is limited to administrators with advanced permissions. For more information, see Manage credentials. - In the Closed Captions section, click Edit.
- Enable captionLanguages and set its value to a three-letter language code or a comma-separated list of language codes. Wowza Streaming Engine will use the first language in the list that contains caption data.
Note: You can also enable and set a backup language with the captionUnidentifiedLanguageID property. Wowza Streaming Engine looks for captions with this language if no language is set in the stream URL or asset file and the languages specified in captionLanguages aren't recognized. If captionUnidentifiedLanguageID isn't defined, the Wowza Streaming Engine locale's three-character language code is used. - Click Save, and then restart the application.
Specifying a caption language in Application.xml
- In a text editor, open the [install-dir]/conf/Application.xml file and locate the <Application>/<TimedText>/<Properties> container in the file. The sample code below uses English, Spanish, and Dutch languages.
<!-- Properties for TimedText --> <Properties> <Property> <Name>captionLanguages</Name> <Type>String</Type> <Value>eng,spa,dut</Value> </Property> </Properties>
- Save and close the file, and then restart Wowza Streaming Engine.
Specifying caption languages per-protocol
Video-on-demand caption languages can also be specified on a per-protocol basis by adding the cupertinoCaptionLanguages or rtmpCaptionLanguages properties to your application. Set the value of these properties to a three-character ISO-639 code (for example, eng) or a prioritized list of language codes. Wowza Streaming Engine will use the first language in the list that contains caption data.
- Use a text editor to open the [install-dir]/conf/Application.xml file for your on-demand application and add the appropriate caption language property to the <Application>/<TimedText>/<Properties> container. Be sure to add it to the correct <Properties> container in Application.xml, as several are in the file.
- Save and close the file, and then restart Wowza Streaming Engine.
- cupertinoCaptionLanguages – Defines the default language for Apple HLS (Cupertino) streaming if you don't define a language in the stream URL. The value can contain a prioritized list of language codes (such as eng, spa, dut).
<!-- Properties for TimedText --> <Properties> <Property> <Name>cupertinoCaptionLanguages</Name> <Type>String</Type> <Value>*</Value> </Property> <Properties>
- rtmpCaptionLanguages – Defines the default language to be used for RTMP streaming if you don't define a language in the stream URL. The value can contain a prioritized list of language codes (such as eng, spa, dut).
<!-- Properties for TimedText --> <Properties> <Property> <Name>rtmpCaptionLanguages</Name> <Type>String</Type> <Value>*</Value> </Property> <Properties>
Using multi-language caption files
Wowza Streaming Engine supports multi-language caption files for TTML and WebVTT sources, but not for SRT and SCC sources. The following example shows a complete TTML caption file containing multiple sets of caption languages. For this example, the TTML caption file reader in Wowza Streaming Engine ingests all five language renditions (eng, fra, spa, deu, and nor) and makes them available for playback. For adaptive bitrate streaming with captions, the value of system-language in the SMIL file must match the languages in the caption source file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <tt xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2006/10/ttaf1" xmlns:ttp="http://www.w3.org/2006/10/ttaf1#parameter" ttp:timeBase="media" xmlns:tts="http://www.w3.org/2006/10/ttaf1#style" xmlns:ttm="http://www.w3.org/2006/10/ttaf1#metadata"> <head> <metadata> <ttm:title>games_7_text</ttm:title> </metadata> <styling> <style id="s0" tts:backgroundColor="black" tts:fontStyle="normal" tts:fontSize="16" tts:fontFamily="sansSerif" tts:color="white" /> </styling> </head> <body tts:textAlign="center" style="s0"> <div xml:lang="eng"> <p begin="00:00:03.680" id="p0" end="00:00:04.480">one man</p> <p begin="00:00:04.480" id="p1" end="00:00:05.280">on a motorcycle</p> <p begin="00:00:05.280" id="p2" end="00:00:06.880">around the world</p> <p begin="00:00:06.880" id="p3" end="00:00:08.480">in</p> <p begin="00:00:08.480" id="p4" end="00:00:12.480">A Quest for Gameplay</p> <p begin="00:00:13.000" id="p5" end="00:00:14.800">Hello I'm Tim Hull.</p> <p begin="00:00:15.000" id="p6" end="00:00:18.000">I believe the games we play<br />are a fundamental building block</p> <p begin="00:00:18.040" id="p7" end="00:00:19.600">of our civilization.</p> <p begin="00:00:19.960" id="p8" end="00:00:23.160">I've set out on a global journey<br />that is my personal mission</p> <p begin="00:00:23.200" id="p9" end="00:00:25.920">to seek out, uncover, observe</p> <p begin="00:00:25.960" id="p10" end="00:00:27.280">and play games.</p> <p begin="00:00:27.800" id="p11" end="00:00:32.280">I'm searching for games that tell<br />us about our history culture and psyche.</p> <p begin="00:00:33.200" id="p12" end="00:00:38.000">During my journey I'll reveal stories<br />of the greatest games ever conceived</p> <p begin="00:00:38.040" id="p13" end="00:00:39.600">and why they are still with us today.</p> <p begin="00:00:40.200" id="p14" end="00:00:44.040">From the school playground<br />to the home console I will learn firsthand</p> <p begin="00:00:44.080" id="p15" end="00:00:47.200">what makes a great game,<br />why games are good for us</p> <p begin="00:00:47.240" id="p16" end="00:00:49.040">and what they tell us about ourselves</p> <p begin="00:00:49.240" id="p17" end="00:00:51.800">as well as being lots of fun.</p> </div> <div xml:lang="fra"> <p begin="00:00:03.680" id="p0" end="00:00:04.480">Un homme</p> <p begin="00:00:04.480" id="p1" end="00:00:05.280">sur une moto</p> <p begin="00:00:05.280" id="p2" end="00:00:06.880">autour du monde</p> <p begin="00:00:06.880" id="p3" end="00:00:08.480">en</p> <p begin="00:00:08.480" id="p4" end="00:00:13.000">quête de jeux</p> <p begin="00:00:13.000" id="p5" end="00:00:15.000">Bonjour. Je suis Tim Hull.</p> <p begin="00:00:15.000" id="p6" end="00:00:18.040">Je crois que les jeux auxquels<br />nous jouons sont un pilier fondamental</p> <p begin="00:00:18.040" id="p7" end="00:00:19.960">de notre civilisation.</p> <p begin="00:00:19.960" id="p8" end="00:00:23.200">Je me suis lancé dans un voyage<br />global qui est ma mission personnelle</p> <p begin="00:00:23.200" id="p9" end="00:00:25.960">pour rechercher, découvrir, observer</p> <p begin="00:00:25.960" id="p10" end="00:00:27.800">et jouer.</p> <p begin="00:00:27.800" id="p11" end="00:00:33.200">Je suis à la recherche de jeux qui nous<br />racontent de notre histoire, culture et psyché.</p> <p begin="00:00:33.200" id="p12" end="00:00:38.040">Pendant mon voyage je dévoilerai<br />les plus grands jeux que l’homme ait conçu</p> <p begin="00:00:38.040" id="p13" end="00:00:40.200">et de pourquoi ils perdurent jusqu’à ce jour.</p> <p begin="00:00:40.200" id="p14" end="00:00:44.080">De la cour de récréation à la console informatique,<br />je vais apprendre de première main</p> <p begin="00:00:44.080" id="p15" end="00:00:47.240">ce qui fait un grand jeu,<br />pourquoi les jeux nous font du bien</p> <p begin="00:00:47.240" id="p16" end="00:00:49.240">et ce qu’ils nous révèlent de nous-mêmes,</p> <p begin="00:00:49.240" id="p17" end="00:00:51.800">tout en étant super amusants.</p> </div> <div xml:lang="spa"> <p begin="00:00:03.680" id="p0" end="00:00:04.480">un hombre</p> <p begin="00:00:04.480" id="p1" end="00:00:05.280">en moto</p> <p begin="00:00:05.280" id="p2" end="00:00:06.880">dando la vuelta al mundo</p> <p begin="00:00:06.880" id="p3" end="00:00:08.480">en</p> <p begin="00:00:08.480" id="p4" end="00:00:13.000">búsqueda de juegos</p> <p begin="00:00:13.000" id="p5" end="00:00:15.000">Hola! soy Tim Hull.</p> <p begin="00:00:15.000" id="p6" end="00:00:18.040">Estoy convencido de que los juegos<br />son cimientos fundamentales</p> <p begin="00:00:18.040" id="p7" end="00:00:19.960">de nuestra civilización.</p> <p begin="00:00:19.960" id="p8" end="00:00:23.200">Emprendí este viaje alrededor<br />del mundo como una misión personal</p> <p begin="00:00:23.200" id="p9" end="00:00:25.960">para buscar, descubrir, observar</p> <p begin="00:00:25.960" id="p10" end="00:00:27.800">y jugar a juegos.</p> <p begin="00:00:27.800" id="p11" end="00:00:33.200">Estoy buscando juegos que nos hablen<br />de nuestra historia, cultura y psique.</p> <p begin="00:00:33.200" id="p12" end="00:00:38.040">Durante mi viaje desvelaré historias<br />de los mejores juegos jamás concebidos</p> <p begin="00:00:38.040" id="p13" end="00:00:40.200">y de la razón para que aún sigan con nosotros</p> <p begin="00:00:40.200" id="p14" end="00:00:44.080">Del patio del colegio hasta la consola,<br />aprenderé de sus protagonistas</p> <p begin="00:00:44.080" id="p15" end="00:00:47.240">aquello que hace que un juego sea fenomenal,<br />lo que los hace buenos para nosotros</p> <p begin="00:00:47.240" id="p16" end="00:00:49.240">lo que expresan sobre nosotros mismos</p> <p begin="00:00:49.240" id="p17" end="00:00:51.800">y también porqué son tan divertidos.</p> </div> <div xml:lang="deu"> <p begin="00:00:03.680" id="p0" end="00:00:04.480">Ein Mann</p> <p begin="00:00:04.480" id="p1" end="00:00:05.280">auf einem Motorrad</p> <p begin="00:00:05.280" id="p2" end="00:00:06.880">rund um die Welt</p> <p begin="00:00:06.880" id="p3" end="00:00:08.480">auf</p> <p begin="00:00:08.480" id="p4" end="00:00:13.000">einer Suche nach Spielen</p> <p begin="00:00:13.000" id="p5" end="00:00:15.000">Hallo, ich heiße Tim Hull.</p> <p begin="00:00:15.000" id="p6" end="00:00:18.040">Ich glaube, dass unsere Spiele<br />ein wichtiger Grundstein</p> <p begin="00:00:18.040" id="p7" end="00:00:19.960">unserer Zivilisation sind.</p> <p begin="00:00:19.960" id="p8" end="00:00:23.200">Ich reise rund um die Welt,<br />und es ist meine Mission,</p> <p begin="00:00:23.200" id="p9" end="00:00:25.960">Spiele zu entdecken, zu beobachten</p> <p begin="00:00:25.960" id="p10" end="00:00:27.800">und zu spielen.</p> <p begin="00:00:27.800" id="p11" end="00:00:33.200">Ich suche Spiele, die etwas über unsere<br />Geschichte, Kultur und Psyche erzählen.</p> <p begin="00:00:33.200" id="p12" end="00:00:38.040">Unterwegs entdecke ich Geschichten<br />über die besten Spiele, die es jemals gab</p> <p begin="00:00:38.040" id="p13" end="00:00:40.200">und finde heraus, warum es sie bis heute noch gibt.</p> <p begin="00:00:40.200" id="p14" end="00:00:44.080">Vom Spielplatz bis zur ersten<br />Heimspielkonsole lerne ich aus erster Hand,</p> <p begin="00:00:44.080" id="p15" end="00:00:47.240">was ein gutes Spiel auszeichnet,<br />warum Spiele für uns wichtig sind,</p> <p begin="00:00:47.240" id="p16" end="00:00:49.240">was sie über uns aussagen,</p> <p begin="00:00:49.240" id="p17" end="00:00:51.800">und warum sie so viel Spaß machen.</p> </div> <div xml:lang="nor"> <p begin="00:00:03.680" id="p0" end="00:00:04.480">en mann</p> <p begin="00:00:04.480" id="p1" end="00:00:05.280">på en motorsykkel</p> <p begin="00:00:05.280" id="p2" end="00:00:06.880">rundt i verden</p> <p begin="00:00:06.880" id="p3" end="00:00:08.480">på</p> <p begin="00:00:08.480" id="p4" end="00:00:13.000">Jakt Etter Leker</p> <p begin="00:00:13.000" id="p5" end="00:00:15.000">Hei, jeg er Tim Hull.</p> <p begin="00:00:15.000" id="p6" end="00:00:18.040">Jeg tror at lekene vi utøver<br />er fundamentale byggestener</p> <p begin="00:00:18.040" id="p7" end="00:00:19.960">for vår sivilisasjon.</p> <p begin="00:00:19.960" id="p8" end="00:00:23.200">Jeg har lagt ut på en<br />reise der mitt personlige mål er</p> <p begin="00:00:23.200" id="p9" end="00:00:25.960">å lete etter, avdekke, observere</p> <p begin="00:00:25.960" id="p10" end="00:00:27.800">og leke.</p> <p begin="00:00:27.800" id="p11" end="00:00:33.200">Jeg er på utkikk etter leker som forteller<br />oss om vår historie, kultur og tenkemåte.</p> <p begin="00:00:33.200" id="p12" end="00:00:38.040">Gjennom reisen min vil jeg avdekke<br />historier om de beste lekene som har oppstått</p> <p begin="00:00:38.040" id="p13" end="00:00:40.200">og hvorfor de fortsatt er med oss i dag.</p> <p begin="00:00:40.200" id="p14" end="00:00:44.080">Fra skolegården til hjemmets fire<br />vegger skal jeg hente førstehåndslæring</p> <p begin="00:00:44.080" id="p15" end="00:00:47.240">om hva som gjør en lek god,<br />hvorfor leker er bra for oss</p> <p begin="00:00:47.240" id="p16" end="00:00:49.240">og hva de forteller om oss selv</p> <p begin="00:00:49.240" id="p17" end="00:00:51.800">i tillegg til å gi oss mye glede.</p> </div> </body> </tt>