Include data events in MP4 recordings in Wowza Streaming Engine

By default, Wowza Streaming Engine™ media server software records AMF data events to .mp4 files, but doesn't record onMetaData events. There are two properties that control the recording of .mp4 files: mp4WriterRecordData and mp4WriterRecordOnMetaData.

mp4WriterRecordData  turn AMF data event recording on and off. If mp4WriterRecordData is set true, you can then turn mp4WriterRecordOnMetaData on and off.

In most cases, the default settings record the data that's needed for data events. If mp4WriterRecordOnMetaData isn't enabled, the onMetaData event will still be sent and will automatically by generated by Wowza Streaming Engine when the .mp4 file is played.

To modify these properties, do the following:

  1. Navigate to [install-dir]/conf/[app-name]/ and open Application.xml in a text editor.
  2. Locate the <Streams>/<Properties> container element and add or then edit the md4WriterRecordData and mp4WriterRecordOnMetaData properties: