Configure nDVR in Wowza Video

Learn how to use the Wowza Video™ service to record a live stream while simultaneously allowing viewers to play or pause the live stream, rewind it to a previously recorded point, or resume viewing at the current live point.

Before you start

You must complete the following tasks:

Enable the Playlist Seconds property

Enable the Playlist Seconds property on the stream target. The Playlist Seconds property determines how far back viewers are able to rewind the stream.

  1. Under Advanced on the left nav, click Stream Targets.
  2. Select the new stream target you made on the Stream Targets page.
  3. Click the Properties tab  on the Stream Target Details page.
  4. Specify any number of seconds between 6 and 28800 (8 hours). The default is 100.
  5. Click Save Changes.