Add a stream target to an existing live stream or transcoder in Wowza Video Legacy
Updated on 02/08/2024 11:07 am PST
Learn how to deliver streams to a additional destinations by adding a stream target to an existing live stream or transcoder in Wowza Video.
1. Create a stream target
Based on the type of stream target you want to add, view the steps for the stream target from the following list and complete the steps to add the new stream target.
Wowza CDN on Fastly
Deliver streams to Wowza CDN on Fastly over HLS by default. This type of target allows playback over iOS, Android, smart TVs, and HTML5-based players. Optionally, you can send an MPEG-DASH stream for digital rights management (DRM) use on Google and Microsoft devices.
Wowza Video generates a target and displays the target detail page. You can find the target's playback URLs on the Playback URLs tab. Viewer data for Wowza CDN on Fastly stream targets is available in near-real time. See Get viewer data in Wowza Video for more information.
Facebook Live
Deliver streams to Facebook Live and broadcast with the Facebook Live Video publishing tool.
Under Advanced on the left navigation bar, click Stream Targets.
Click Add Target, select Facebook Live, and then click Add.
Click Continue with Facebook.
In the pop-up window, enter your Facebook account credentials and click Log In.
On the Create a Facebook Live target page, specify the following:
Target Name – A short, descriptive identifier for the target that differentiates it from other targets in Wowza Video. A Target Name is required, doesn't have to be unique, and can't exceed 255 characters.
Video Destination – The location where you want to post the stream on Facebook. Choose your Timeline, a Page you manage, a group you belong to, or an event that you're hosting.
The Video Destination can't be changed after the target is created.
You must have the appropriate permission on Facebook to post to a Page, group, or event. If the destination you want isn't in the menu, check the permissions for your Facebook account and Wowza Video app.
To enable a member to stream to a group, the Facebook group admin must add the Wowza Video app. For more information, see the Facebook Help Center article How do I add or remove an app from a group I admin?
Title – A title to appear with the stream on Facebook. It must be a UTF-8 string and can be up to 255 characters. Emojis are not supported.
Description – A description to appear with the stream on Facebook. It must be a UTF-8 string. Emojis are not supported.
Privacy – If you're streaming to a Timeline, you can specify the Facebook privacy setting that determines who can watch your stream on Facebook: just you (Only me), Friends, Friends of Friends, or all Facebook users (Public).
Stream 360 – Allows you to deliver a stream captured with a 360-degree camera system that adds Facebook's 360 metadata to the video file.
Click Save.
Wowza Video generates the target and displays the target detail page, which includes details about when the target expires. Most Facebook Live targets expire 60 days from when you authorized your Facebook account to connect to the target. If the target has expired or become invalid, renew it by editing the target and saving your changes.
LinkedIn Live
Deliver streams to a LinkedIn Live page associated with a personal account or an organization's account.
Under Advanced on the left navigation bar, click Stream Targets.
Click Add Target, select LinkedIn Live, and then click Add.
On the Create a LinkedIn Live stream target page, choose the type of LinkedIn Live target you want to create, and then click Next.
Person – Stream to LinkedIn on behalf of a personal account.
Organization – Stream to LinkedIn on behalf of an organization.
Note: You must be an administrator of an organization's LinkedIn Page to grant authorization for the Wowza Video service to stream to LinkedIn Live. See Creating a LinkedIn Page in the LinkedIn Help Center to learn more about pages.
If you haven't already authorized Wowza Video to stream to LinkedIn, sign in to LinkedIn and click Allow in the authorization request page that opens.
On the Create a LinkedIn Live stream target page, enter a Target Name to identify the target in Wowza Video.
If you are streaming from an organization's LinkedIn Page, select an organization to Stream to.
Enter a Title to appear with the stream on LinkedIn. The title can be up to 255 characters and emojis are not supported.
Enter a Description to appear with the stream on LinkedIn. The description can be up to 1300 characters and emojis are not supported.
Select a Region. Choose a region that is the closest to the broadcast location of the Wowza Video transcoder that you created.
Click Save.
Wowza Video generates the target and displays the target detail page.
Deliver streams to custom destinations over RTMP. The custom target can be a third-party CDN such as Akamai, or any RTMP destination or host, such as YouTube.
Under Advanced on the left navigation bar, click Stream Targets.
Click Add Target, select Custom, and then click Add.
On the Create a custom target page, specify the following information.
Note: Look for the information you need to create a custom target in the ingestion settings provided by the destination's software or documentation.
Target Name – A short, descriptive identifier for the target that differentiates it from other targets in Wowza Video. A Target Name is required, doesn't have to be unique, and can't exceed 255 characters.
Provider – If the third-party CDN that you're using is listed, choose it from the pop-up menu. Otherwise, choose RTMP or RTMPS.
Primary URL – The RTMP address, without the preceding protocol and without a trailing slash (/), that the target uses to ingest a stream. For example, [target-domain-or-ip-address]/[EntryPoint]. Hostnames can't contain underscores (_). For help determining the correct RTMP URL, see the destination's help or user guide.
Backup URL – (Optional) The backup RTMP address, without the preceding protocol and without a trailing slash (/), that the target uses to ingest a stream. Not all providers or third-party CDNs provide a backup URL.
When both the primary and backup URLs are used, Wowza Video sends the stream to both URLs, allowing the third-party CDN to improve reliability and prevent playback disruption. If you want to use both URLs, after assigning the target to an output rendition, make sure both the primary and backup versions have entries under the output rendition on the transcoder's Outputs & Targets tab.
Stream Name – The name of the stream as defined in your destination's ingestion settings. The protocol, host name, and path components of the stream name URL must be 255 characters or less. The query strings and parameter components of the stream name URL must be 1024 characters or less.
Target Username – Your username for RTMP authentication by the target.
Target Password – Your password for RTMP authentication by the target.
HDS Playback URL – (Optional) The web address that your target uses to playback Adobe HDS streams. You can include it here for informational purposes.
HLS Playback URL – (Optional) The web address that your target uses to playback HLS streams. You can include it here for informational purposes.
RTMP Playback URL – (Optional) The web address that your target uses to play RTMP streams. You can include it here for informational purposes.
Click Save.
Wowza Video generates the target and displays the target detail page, which shows all of the specified playback URLs.
2. Add the stream target to an existing live stream or transcoder
Under Advanced, click Transcoders.
Select your live stream or transcoder on the Transcoders page.
Live streams appear as [Live stream name] / Transcoder.
Click the Outputs & Targets tab of the transcoder detail page.
The Outputs & Targets tab displays the output renditions for your live stream or transcoder.
For the output rendition you want to add the stream target to, click Add a Stream Target and then select Existing stream target.
Select the stream target you created and then click OK.
(Optional) Repeat these steps to add the stream target to additional output renditions.
The stream target is now added to an output rendition associated with your live stream or transcoder.