Add a stream target to an existing live stream or transcoder in Wowza Video Legacy

Learn how to deliver streams to a additional destinations by adding a stream target to an existing live stream or transcoder in Wowza Video.

1. Create a stream target

Based on the type of stream target you want to add, view the steps for the stream target from the following list and complete the steps to add the new stream target.

Wowza CDN on Fastly

Deliver streams to Wowza CDN on Fastly over HLS by default. This type of target allows playback over iOS, Android, smart TVs, and HTML5-based players. Optionally, you can send an MPEG-DASH stream for digital rights management (DRM) use on Google and Microsoft devices.

See the steps

Facebook Live

Deliver streams to Facebook Live and broadcast with the Facebook Live Video publishing tool.

See the steps

LinkedIn Live

Deliver streams to a LinkedIn Live page associated with a personal account or an organization's account.

See the steps


Deliver streams to custom destinations over RTMP. The custom target can be a third-party CDN such as Akamai, or any RTMP destination or host, such as YouTube.

See the steps

2. Add the stream target to an existing live stream or transcoder

  1. Under Advanced, click Transcoders.
  2. Select your live stream or transcoder on the Transcoders page.

    Live streams appear as [Live stream name] / Transcoder.

  3. Click the Outputs & Targets tab of the transcoder detail page.

    The Outputs & Targets tab displays the output renditions for your live stream or transcoder.

  4. For the output rendition you want to add the stream target to, click Add a Stream Target and then select Existing stream target.
  5. Select the stream target you created and then click OK.
  6. (Optional) Repeat these steps to add the stream target to additional output renditions.

The stream target is now added to an output rendition associated with your live stream or transcoder.

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