Prepare Wowza Streaming Engine config and log files for Support tickets

When you open a Support ticket with Wowza Media Systems™, we may request that you send us configuration and log files from your Wowza Streaming Engine™ media server software install directory. This is best accomplished by creating a *.zip archive that contains the contents of several key folders.

Prepare files for Wowza Support engineers

When investigating issues, Wowza Support engineers typically request the following:

  • [install-dir]/conf
  • [install-dir]/logs
  • [install-dir]/transcoder
  • [install-dir]/manager/logs

They may also request:

  • A screenshot of your live encoder settings
  • A copy of your .stream file(s)
  • A sample of a problematic VOD asset (media file)
  • A sample recording of a problematic incoming stream

In most cases, you can attach the files to an email and send them to Support. If the files are too large to send through email, however, Support engineers may suggest posting files for download by using a file-sharing service like Dropbox or by uploading them to a web or FTP server.

Note: It's helpful to note the server date and time when outages and problems occur.

Also, if your server generates a significant volume of log files, it's extremely helpful to refresh and specify a log statement, which makes for a more efficient auditing process that can reduce the overall time a Support engineer needs to process your ticket. If possible, follow these simple steps:

  1. Stop your Wowza Streaming Engine software.
  2. List the contents of the [install-dir]/logs folder.
  3. Rename wowzastreamingengine_access.log to wowzastreamingengine_access_OLD.log.
  4. Start Wowza Streaming Engine.
  5. Duplicate the troubleshooting issue or set of issues.
  6. Send the new log file by using the steps outlined below.

Create the compressed archives

Although many third-party applications can create .zip files, it's easy enough to do it in the operating system.

Create compressed zip files in Windows 7

  1. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Wowza Media Systems\Wowza Streaming Engine [version].
  2. Click to highlight each folder that you need to zip.
    Note: Press Ctrl on the keyboard to select multiple folders.
  3. Right-click each file and select Send to > Compressed (zipped) Folder.

Windows creates the zip file and positions the cursor where you can choose a unique name for the file.

  1. If you have an open Support ticket, name the files and Otherwise, name them and
  2. Submit a Wowza Streaming Engine Technical Support Ticket. In the Support ticket form, provide a detailed description of the problem and attach the zipped files in the area provided.

Create a compressed zip file in Linux

  1. Open a Terminal session and log in to the server.
  2. Navigate to your Wowza Streaming Engine install directory by typing cd /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine
  3. Type ls to view a listing of directory contents.
  4. Note the files to be zipped (for example, /conf and /logs).
  5. Create the zip file by entering the command:
    root@ubuntu:/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine# ls
    applications  documentation       keys        NOTICE.txt       
    bin           dvr                 lib         QUICKSTART.html
    conf          examples            lib-native  README.html
    content  logs        transcoder
    root@ubuntu:/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine# zip -r conf
      adding: conf/ (stored 0%)
      adding: conf/LiveStreamTranscoders.xml (deflated 77%)
      adding: conf/MediaCasters.xml (deflated 90%)
    root@ubuntu:/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine# zip -r logs
      adding: logs/ (stored 0%)
      adding: logs/wowzastreamingengine_access.log.2012-08-07 (deflated 94%)
      adding: logs/wowzastreamingengine_error.log.2012-09-07 (deflated 90%)
  6. Submit a Wowza Streaming Engine Technical Support Ticket. In the Support ticket form, provide a detailed description of the problem and attach the zipped file in the area provided.