Create a manual playlist in Wowza Video

For a manual playlist, you choose the videos you want, in the list and the order.

To create a manual playlist:

  1. Click Playlists in the navigation.
  2. Click + Add New in the Playlist list.
  3. Choose Manual. Next, you need to add videos to your playlist.
  4. Click on + Add Videos to open the Video list. 
  5. To add a video to the playlist, simply drag a video over to the Playlist Contents box and drop it. Repeat with all the videos you want to add.
  6. To rearrange the videos in the playlist, simply drag them to change their positions. You can also arrange the videos by various parameters by clicking Arrange By and selecting the parameter you want to arrange by.
  7. Click Continue when you're satisfied with the videos in your playlist.
  8. Add a name for your playlist.
  9. Add a description for your playlist. 
  10. If you need to make any changes to the playlist, click Back to make changes. Otherwise, click Create Playlist and you're done.