Class MPEG2TableAssembler

    • Field Detail

      • deliver

        public boolean deliver
        The deliver.
      • sections

        protected java.util.Map<Integer,​MPEG2Section> sections
        The sections.
      • currentVersion

        public int currentVersion
        The current version.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MPEG2TableAssembler

        public MPEG2TableAssembler()
    • Method Detail

      • getShortClassName

        public String getShortClassName()
        getShortClassName returns just the class name instead of the
      • tableExist

        public abstract boolean tableExist()
        Table exist.
        true, if successful
      • tableVersion

        public abstract int tableVersion()
        Table version.
        the int
      • buildTable

        public abstract void buildTable()
        Builds the table.