Class AdaptationField

  • public class AdaptationField
    extends Object
    The Class AdaptationField.
    • Field Detail

      • discontinuity

        public boolean discontinuity
        The discontinuity.
      • randomAccess

        public boolean randomAccess
        The random access.
      • streamPriority

        public boolean streamPriority
        The stream priority.
      • pcrFlag

        public boolean pcrFlag
        The PCR flag.
      • opcrFlag

        public boolean opcrFlag
        The OPCR flag.
      • splicingPoint

        public boolean splicingPoint
        The splicing point.
      • privateDataFlag

        public boolean privateDataFlag
        The private data flag.
      • extension

        public boolean extension
        The extension.
      • pcrClock90

        public long pcrClock90
        The PCR clock90.
      • pcrClock27

        public long pcrClock27
        The PCR clock27.
      • opcrClock90

        public long opcrClock90
        The OPCR clock90.
      • opcrClock27

        public long opcrClock27
        The OPCR clock27.
      • splicCountdown

        public int splicCountdown
        The splic countdown.
      • privateDataLength

        public int privateDataLength
        The private data length.
      • privateData

        public byte[] privateData
        The private data.
      • ltwFlag

        public boolean ltwFlag
        The ltw flag.
      • piecewiseRateFlag

        public boolean piecewiseRateFlag
        The piecewise rate flag.
      • seemlessSpliceFlag

        public boolean seemlessSpliceFlag
        The seemless splice flag.
      • ltwValidFlag

        public boolean ltwValidFlag
        The ltw valid flag.
      • ltwOffset

        public int ltwOffset
        The ltw offset.
      • piecewiseRate

        public int piecewiseRate
        The piecewise rate.
      • spliceType

        public int spliceType
        The splice type.
      • dtsNextAU

        public long dtsNextAU
        The DTS next au.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdaptationField

        public AdaptationField()