Interface ITranscoderOverlayProvider

  • public interface ITranscoderOverlayProvider

    ITranscoderOverlayProvider: interface to add and remove video overlays.

    • Method Detail

      • addOverlay

        void addOverlay​(int index,
                        TranscoderVideoOverlayFrame overlay)
        Add an overlay to a video stream.
        index - over lay index (zero is bottom in z-order)
        overlay - overlay object
      • clearOverlay

        void clearOverlay​(int index)
        Clear video overlay
        index - over lay index (zero is bottom in z-order)
      • isOverlayAvailable

        boolean isOverlayAvailable()
        Returns true if there is a pending overlay request.
        true if there is a pending overlay request
      • getAndClearPendingOverlays

        java.util.Map<Integer,​TranscoderVideoOverlayFrame> getAndClearPendingOverlays()
        Get a list of pending overlay requests and clear the pending overlay queue.
        list of pending overlay requests