Class TranscoderVideoOverlayFrame

  • public class TranscoderVideoOverlayFrame
    extends Object

    TranscoderVideoOverlayFrame: Video overlay frame.

    • Field Detail

      • enabled

        public boolean enabled
      • index

        public int index
      • imagePath

        public String imagePath
      • opacity

        public int opacity
      • lastModDate

        public long lastModDate
    • Constructor Detail

      • TranscoderVideoOverlayFrame

        public TranscoderVideoOverlayFrame()
      • TranscoderVideoOverlayFrame

        public TranscoderVideoOverlayFrame​(String imagePath)
      • TranscoderVideoOverlayFrame

        public TranscoderVideoOverlayFrame​(String imagePath,
                                           int opacity)
      • TranscoderVideoOverlayFrame

        public TranscoderVideoOverlayFrame​(int width,
                                           int height,
                                           byte[] buffer)
    • Method Detail

      • isGood

        public boolean isGood()
      • loadImage

        public boolean loadImage​(IApplicationInstance appInstance,
                                 boolean reload)
        If you set a path to an image file (JPG, PNG, BMP...) this will load the image into this object.
        appInstance - application instance
        reload - is it an image reload
        true if successful
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Is this overlay enabled.
        overlay enabled
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Set is this overlay enabled.
        enabled - overlay enabled
      • getIndex

        public int getIndex()
        Get overlay index (z-order)
        overlay index (z-order)
      • setIndex

        public void setIndex​(int index)
        Set overlay index (z-order)
        index - overlay index (z-order)
      • getImagePath

        public String getImagePath()
        Get the path to the overlay image.
        path to the overlay image
      • setImagePath

        public void setImagePath​(String imagePath)
        Set the path to the overlay image.
        imagePath - path to the overlay image
      • getOpacity

        public int getOpacity()
      • setOpacity

        public void setOpacity​(int opacity)
      • getDstX

        public int getDstX()
      • setDstX

        public void setDstX​(int x)
      • getDstY

        public int getDstY()
      • setDstY

        public void setDstY​(int y)
      • getDstWidth

        public int getDstWidth()
      • setDstWidth

        public void setDstWidth​(int width)
      • getDstHeight

        public int getDstHeight()
      • setDstHeight

        public void setDstHeight​(int height)
      • getDstAlign

        public int getDstAlign()
      • setDstAlign

        public void setDstAlign​(int align)
      • getLastModDate

        public long getLastModDate()
      • setLastModDate

        public void setLastModDate​(long lastModDate)
      • isCheckForUpdates

        public boolean isCheckForUpdates()
      • setCheckForUpdates

        public void setCheckForUpdates​(boolean checkForUpdates)
      • isTransparent

        public boolean isTransparent()