Class SourceControlManager

  • public class SourceControlManager
    extends com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.SourceControlLogging
    Class for the management and construction of Source Control devices
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      ISourceControlSession createSourceControlSession​(String streamName, IApplicationInstance appInstance)
      Creates a SourceControlSession for the indicated stream and application instance.
      java.util.List<String> getDriverList()
      Get a list of the Source Control Drivers
      static SourceControlManager getInstance()
      Static method to reference a single instance of the Source Control Manager.
      ISourceControl getSourceControlInstance​(com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlContext context)
      Gets the ISourceControl implemenation for the provided SourceControlContext
      static String getXMLConfigPath()
      For testing purposes only
      boolean isDriverListLoaded()
      Returns true if the list of Source Control Drivers was successfully loaded.
      com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlContext loadContext​(com.wowza.util.JSON jsonData)
      Get a SourceControlContext for the source control device described by the provided JSON data
      static void reset()
      Static method to clear the Source Control Manager, you will need to get a new reference via the getInstance() method.
      • Methods inherited from class com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.SourceControlLogging

        enableDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logInfo, logWarn
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static SourceControlManager getInstance()
        Static method to reference a single instance of the Source Control Manager.
        a reference to the single instance of the source control manager
      • reset

        public static void reset()
        Static method to clear the Source Control Manager, you will need to get a new reference via the getInstance() method.
      • getXMLConfigPath

        public static String getXMLConfigPath()
        For testing purposes only
      • isDriverListLoaded

        public boolean isDriverListLoaded()
        Returns true if the list of Source Control Drivers was successfully loaded.
        true if the list of Source Control Drivers was successfully loaded
      • getDriverList

        public java.util.List<String> getDriverList()
        Get a list of the Source Control Drivers
        a list of the Source Control Drivers
      • loadContext

        public com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlContext loadContext​(com.wowza.util.JSON jsonData)
        Get a SourceControlContext for the source control device described by the provided JSON data
        jsonData - JSON class that contains the key value pairs that describe a source control device
        SourceControlContext for the device if the JSON data describes one, otherwise returns NULL
      • getSourceControlInstance

        public ISourceControl getSourceControlInstance​(com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlContext context)
        Gets the ISourceControl implemenation for the provided SourceControlContext
        context - that contains the information to instantiate an ISourceControl device
        ISourceContorl if the context properly describes a source Control Device, otherwise NULL
      • createSourceControlSession

        public ISourceControlSession createSourceControlSession​(String streamName,
                                                                IApplicationInstance appInstance)
        Creates a SourceControlSession for the indicated stream and application instance. This will create the session, underlying ISourceControl instance as well and associate them in the returned ISourceControlSession.
        streamName - the stream name to associate it with
        appInstance - the application instance to associate it with