Interface ISourceControl

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface ISourceControl

    Public interface to generic source control device.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlContext createContext()
      Create an empty context structure
      ISourceControlSession createSourceControlSession​(String streamName, IApplicationInstance appInstance)
      Create a SourceControlSession for the device and associate it with the provided stream name and application instance
      com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlContext getContext()
      Get the SourceControlContext for the device.
      com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlInformation getSouceFeatures()
      Get the SourceControlFeatures for the device.
      com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlInformation getSouceInformation()
      Get the SourceControlInformation for the device.
      void setContext​(com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlContext context)
      Set the SourceControlContext for the device.
    • Method Detail

      • createContext

        com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlContext createContext()
        Create an empty context structure
      • setContext

        void setContext​(com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlContext context)
        Set the SourceControlContext for the device.
        context -
      • getContext

        com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlContext getContext()
        Get the SourceControlContext for the device.
        SourceControlContext the source control context for this source control device
      • getSouceInformation

        com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlInformation getSouceInformation()
        Get the SourceControlInformation for the device.
        SourceControlInformation class containing information and features about the source control device
      • getSouceFeatures

        com.wowza.wms.sourcecontrol.drivers.SourceControlInformation getSouceFeatures()
        Get the SourceControlFeatures for the device.
        SourceControlFeatures class containing information and features about the source control device
      • createSourceControlSession

        ISourceControlSession createSourceControlSession​(String streamName,
                                                         IApplicationInstance appInstance)
        Create a SourceControlSession for the device and associate it with the provided stream name and application instance
        streamName - the stream name to associate the source control session with
        appInstance - the application instance to associate the source control session with