Interface ISourceControlCamera

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ISourceControlCamera
    extends ISourceControl

    Public interface for a Camera Source Control device.

    • Method Detail

      • panTiltStep

        boolean panTiltStep​(String direction)
        Command the camera to Pan/Tilt one step in the direction indicated.
        direction - to Pan/Tilt the camera (see SourceControlCameraFeature for list of available directions, see SourceControlInformation.features for the list of supported directions)
        true if the command was successfully performed
      • zoomStep

        boolean zoomStep​(String direction)
        Command the camera to Zoom one step in the direction indicated.
        direction - to zoom the camera (see SourceControlCameraFeature for list of available directions, see SourceControlInformation.features for the list of supported directions)
        true if the command was successfully performed
      • captureImage

        String captureImage()
        Command the camera to capture a single frame image and return it in a base64 encoded string
        base64 encoded image or null if the capture failed.