Class PushPublishHTTPCupertinoUtil

    • Constructor Detail

      • PushPublishHTTPCupertinoUtil

        public PushPublishHTTPCupertinoUtil​(java.util.Map<String,​String> groupsMap)
    • Method Detail

      • onWriteEntry

        public void onWriteEntry​(java.util.Map<String,​String> oldEntry,
                                 java.util.Map<String,​String> newEntry)
        Description copied from interface: IPushPublishProfileUtil
        Allows modification of a map file entry prior to being written to the map file.
        Specified by:
        onWriteEntry in interface IPushPublishProfileUtil
        oldEntry - the old version of the entry (null for new entries)
        newEntry - the new version of the entry to be written
      • onReadEntry

        public void onReadEntry​(java.util.Map<String,​String> entry)
        Description copied from interface: IPushPublishProfileUtil
        Allows modification of a map file entry after prior to being returned through a Push Publishing api.
        Specified by:
        onReadEntry in interface IPushPublishProfileUtil
        entry - the map file entry as read from disk
      • onDeleteEntry

        public void onDeleteEntry​(java.util.Map<String,​String> entry)
        Description copied from interface: IPushPublishProfileUtil
        Allows processing of a map file entry prior to being deleted.
        Specified by:
        onDeleteEntry in interface IPushPublishProfileUtil
        entry - the map file entry as read from disk
      • validateEntry

        public boolean validateEntry​(java.util.Map<String,​String> entry)
        Description copied from interface: IPushPublishProfileUtil
        Allows validation of a map file entry.
        Specified by:
        validateEntry in interface IPushPublishProfileUtil
        entry - the map file entry as read from disk
        true if entry is valid
      • isParent

        public boolean isParent​(java.util.Map<String,​String> entry)
        Description copied from interface: IPushPublishProfileUtil
        Is this a parent profile?
        Specified by:
        isParent in interface IPushPublishProfileUtil
        entry - the map file entry as read from disk
        true if entry is a parent profile, false if child profile or standalone
      • createGroupPlaylist

        public ManifestModel createGroupPlaylist​(String id,
                                                 java.util.List<java.util.List<IPushPublishHTTPGroupMember>> groupingsByRedundantPairs,
                                                 java.util.List<java.util.List<IPushPublishHTTPGroupMember>> groupingsByAbrGroups,
                                                 IApplicationInstance appInstance,
                                                 String context,
                                                 WMSProperties properties)
        Description copied from interface: IPushPublishProfileUtil
        This method is deprecated. Please use IPushPublishHTTPGroupMember#createGroupPlaylist(String, List>, List>, IApplicationInstance, String, WMSProperties) Allows creation of a group playlist. (This is a placeholder for future features)
        Specified by:
        createGroupPlaylist in interface IPushPublishProfileUtil
        id - the id
        groupingsByRedundantPairs - the renditions grouped by redundant pairs
        groupingsByAbrGroups - the renditions grouped by redundant ABR group
        properties - the properties
        the manifest model
      • createTag

        public TagModel createTag​(Class<? extends TagModel> clazz,
                                  String context)
        Create a TagModel of the provided TagModel
        clazz - Class of the TagModel to create
        a new instance of the TagModel requested
      • addTagToPlaylist

        public void addTagToPlaylist​(PlaylistModel playlist,
                                     TagModel tag)
        Adds the provided TagModel to the end of the list of TagModels for the provided Playlist Model
        playlist - to add the TagModel to
        tag - to add to the playlist
      • addTagToPlaylist

        public void addTagToPlaylist​(PlaylistModel playlist,
                                     int idx,
                                     TagModel tag)
        Adds the provided TagModel to the list of TagModels at the idx for the provided Playlist Model
        playlist - to add the TagModel to
        idx - index where to insert the TagModel at
        tag - Model to insert into the list of TagModels
      • createMasterPlaylist

        public PlaylistModel createMasterPlaylist​(String context,
                                                  boolean logDebugManifest)
        Creates a master playlist and propagates the context string from this implemenation to the returned playlist model
        a new master playlist
      • createMediaPlaylist

        public PlaylistModel createMediaPlaylist​(int rIndex,
                                                 PushPublishHTTPCupertino hlsEntry,
                                                 String context,
                                                 boolean logDebugManifest)
        Creates a empty media playlist and propagates the context from this implemenation to the returned playlist
        a new media playlist
      • createMediaSegmentModel

        public MediaSegmentModel createMediaSegmentModel​(boolean debugLog)
        Creates an empty media segment model and propagates the context from the implementation to the returnd media segment model
        media segment model
      • setMediaPlaylistRenditionIndex

        public void setMediaPlaylistRenditionIndex​(PlaylistModel mediaPlaylist,
                                                   int index)
      • getMediaPlaylistRenditionIndex

        public int getMediaPlaylistRenditionIndex​(PlaylistModel mediaPlaylist)
      • getSubtitlesListRenditionIndex

        public int getSubtitlesListRenditionIndex​(PlaylistModel subtitlesList)
      • getMediaPlaylistForRendtion

        public PlaylistModel getMediaPlaylistForRendtion​(int renditionIndex,
                                                         PlaylistModel masterPlaylist)
      • setMediaSegmentIndex

        public void setMediaSegmentIndex​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment,
                                         long index)
      • getMediaSegmentIndex

        public long getMediaSegmentIndex​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
      • setMediaSegmentDelete

        public void setMediaSegmentDelete​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment,
                                          boolean delete)
      • isMediaSegmentDelete

        public boolean isMediaSegmentDelete​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
      • setMediaSegmentSent

        public void setMediaSegmentSent​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment,
                                        boolean sent)
      • isMediaSegmentSent

        public boolean isMediaSegmentSent​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
      • setMediaSegementSize

        public void setMediaSegementSize​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
      • getMediaSegementSize

        public long getMediaSegementSize​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
      • setMediaSegementProgramDateTime

        public void setMediaSegementProgramDateTime​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment,
                                                    String progDateTime)
      • getMediaSegementProgramDateTime

        public String getMediaSegementProgramDateTime​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)