Interface IPushPublishProfileUtil

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IPushPublishProfileUtil
    The Interface IPushPublishProfileUtil
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean isParent​(java.util.Map<String,​String> entry)
      Is this a parent profile?
      void onDeleteEntry​(java.util.Map<String,​String> entry)
      Allows processing of a map file entry prior to being deleted.
      void onReadEntry​(java.util.Map<String,​String> entry)
      Allows modification of a map file entry after prior to being returned through a Push Publishing api.
      void onWriteEntry​(java.util.Map<String,​String> oldEntry, java.util.Map<String,​String> newEntry)
      Allows modification of a map file entry prior to being written to the map file.
      void setApplicationInstance​(IApplicationInstance appInstance)
      Set the application instance associated with this Util class
      void setApplicationName​(String appName)
      Set the application name associated with this Util class
      void setVHost​(IVHost vhost)
      Set the VHost associated with this Util class
      boolean validateEntry​(java.util.Map<String,​String> entry)
      Allows validation of a map file entry.
    • Field Detail


        static final String PROPERTY_LOG_DEBUG_MANIFEST
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • setVHost

        void setVHost​(IVHost vhost)
        Set the VHost associated with this Util class
        vhost -
      • setApplicationName

        void setApplicationName​(String appName)
        Set the application name associated with this Util class
        appName -
      • setApplicationInstance

        void setApplicationInstance​(IApplicationInstance appInstance)
        Set the application instance associated with this Util class
        appInstance -
      • onWriteEntry

        void onWriteEntry​(java.util.Map<String,​String> oldEntry,
                          java.util.Map<String,​String> newEntry)
        Allows modification of a map file entry prior to being written to the map file.
        oldEntry - the old version of the entry (null for new entries)
        newEntry - the new version of the entry to be written
      • onReadEntry

        void onReadEntry​(java.util.Map<String,​String> entry)
        Allows modification of a map file entry after prior to being returned through a Push Publishing api.
        entry - the map file entry as read from disk
      • onDeleteEntry

        void onDeleteEntry​(java.util.Map<String,​String> entry)
        Allows processing of a map file entry prior to being deleted.
        entry - the map file entry as read from disk
      • validateEntry

        boolean validateEntry​(java.util.Map<String,​String> entry)
        Allows validation of a map file entry.
        entry - the map file entry as read from disk
        true if entry is valid
      • isParent

        boolean isParent​(java.util.Map<String,​String> entry)
        Is this a parent profile?
        entry - the map file entry as read from disk
        true if entry is a parent profile, false if child profile or standalone