Interface IModuleOnHTTPCupertinoEncryption

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface IModuleOnHTTPCupertinoEncryption

    IModuleOnHTTPCupertinoEncryption: listener interface for listening to AES-128 encryption events.

    • Method Detail

      • onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyRequest

        void onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyRequest​(HTTPStreamerSessionCupertino httpSession,
                                                 IHTTPRequest req,
                                                 IHTTPResponse resp)
        Called when a key is requested. Call httpSession.rejectSession to reject the streaming session and stop delivery of the encryption key.
        httpSession - HTTP session
        req - HTTP request
        resp - HTTP response
      • onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyData

        void onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyData​(HTTPStreamerSessionCupertino httpSession,
                                              IHTTPRequest req,
                                              IHTTPResponse resp,
                                              byte[] encKeyData)
        Called when a key data is requested. Set encKeyData to the key data to be sent to the client.
        httpSession - HTTP session
        req - request
        resp - response
        encKeyData - key data
      • onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyCreateVOD

        void onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyCreateVOD​(HTTPStreamerSessionCupertino httpSession,
                                                   byte[] encKey)
        Called when video on demand key is requested (per-session)
        httpSession - HTTP session
        encKey - encryption key
      • onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyVODChunk

        void onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyVODChunk​(HTTPStreamerSessionCupertino httpSession,
                                                  IHTTPStreamerCupertinoIndex index,
                                                  com.wowza.wms.httpstreamer.cupertinostreaming.util.CupertinoEncInfo encInfo,
                                                  long chunkId,
                                                  int mode)
        Called when video on demand key is requested (per-session). Allows setting of encryption key and URL.
        httpSession - HTTP session
        index - file index
        encInfo - encryption key
        mode - KEYDATA_MODE_*
      • onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyCreateLive

        void onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyCreateLive​(IApplicationInstance appInstance,
                                                    String streamName,
                                                    byte[] encKey)
        Called when live stream key is requested (per-published stream)
        appInstance - application instance
        streamName - stream name
        encKey - encryption key
      • onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyLiveChunk

        void onHTTPCupertinoEncryptionKeyLiveChunk​(ILiveStreamPacketizer liveStreamPacketizer,
                                                   String streamName,
                                                   com.wowza.wms.httpstreamer.cupertinostreaming.util.CupertinoEncInfo encInfo,
                                                   long chunkId,
                                                   int mode)
        Called when live stream key is requested (per-published stream, per-chunk - for rotating keys)
        liveStreamPacketizer - live stream packetizer
        streamName - stream name
        encInfo - encryption info
        chunkId - chunk ID, -1 for stream creation
        mode - KEYDATA_MODE_*