Interface IHTTPRequest

  • public interface IHTTPRequest
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getContentLength()
      Get the content length of the body of the message
      String getContentType()
      Get the request content type
      String getForwardedIP​(String excludeAddresses)
      Get X-[real-forwarded] address
      String getHeader​(String name)
      Get a HTTP header value such as 'Content-Length'
      byte[] getHeaderBytes()
      Returns the header as bytes
      java.util.Map<String,​String> getHeaderMap()
      Get a copy of the HTTP request header map
      java.util.Set<String> getHeaderNames()
      Get a Set of the header names
      String getHost()
      Returns the domain name and possibly the port of the server for which the HTTP Request is being sent to, for both HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 2.0 getInputStream()
      Get the body of the message as an input stream
      int getIntHeader​(String name)
      Get a HTTP header value such as 'Content-Length' and return as int
      java.util.Locale getLocale()
      Get locale of request (Example: en-us)
      String getMethod()
      Get the method invokation method: GET, POST, HEAD
      byte[] getMsgBytes()
      Return the message bytes
      String getParameter​(String name)
      Get a parameter value
      java.util.Map<String,​java.util.List<String>> getParameterMap()
      Get the entire parameter Map
      java.util.Set<String> getParameterNames()
      Get a Set of parameter names
      String[] getParameterValues​(String name)
      Get a multi-value parameter as an array of String
      String getPath()
      Returns the HTTP path element of the request
      String getProtocol()
      Get the request protocol (example: HTTP/1.1)
      String getQueryString()
      Get the query string part of the url (everything after the ?)
      String getRemoteAddr()
      Get the remote ip address of the request
      String getRemoteHost()
      Get the remote host name (if known) if not return ip address
      String getRequestURI()
      Get the full request URI
      String getRequestURL()
      Get the request url (same as URI minus the query string)
      String getScheme()
      Get the request scheme (Example "http")
      String getServerName()
      Get the name of the server (Example: "Wowza Streaming Engine")
      int getServerPort()
      Get the port this request was received on
      boolean isHeadRequest()
      Returns true if the request is a HEAD request
      boolean isSecure()
      Returns true is the request is protected by SSL
      boolean isUpgradeRequest()
      Returns true if upgrade request (WebSocket,...)
      void parseBodyForParams()
      If the body of the message contains parameter data (data in name value pairs separated by & character) call this routine to decode those parameters and add them to the parameter map.
      void parseBodyForParams​(boolean doDecode)
      If the body of the message contains parameter data (data in name value pairs separated by & character) call this routine to decode those parameters and add them to the parameter map.
    • Method Detail

      • getHeaderMap

        java.util.Map<String,​String> getHeaderMap()
        Get a copy of the HTTP request header map
        copy of the HTTP request header map
      • getHeader

        String getHeader​(String name)
        Get a HTTP header value such as 'Content-Length'
        name - header name
        header value
      • getIntHeader

        int getIntHeader​(String name)
        Get a HTTP header value such as 'Content-Length' and return as int
        name - header name
        header value
      • getHeaderNames

        java.util.Set<String> getHeaderNames()
        Get a Set of the header names
        Set of header names
      • getMethod

        String getMethod()
        Get the method invokation method: GET, POST, HEAD
      • getQueryString

        String getQueryString()
        Get the query string part of the url (everything after the ?)
        query string
      • getContentLength

        int getContentLength()
        Get the content length of the body of the message
        content length of the body of the message
      • getRequestURI

        String getRequestURI()
        Get the full request URI
        full request URI
      • getRequestURL

        String getRequestURL()
        Get the request url (same as URI minus the query string)
        request url
      • getContentType

        String getContentType()
        Get the request content type
        request content type
      • parseBodyForParams

        void parseBodyForParams​(boolean doDecode)
        If the body of the message contains parameter data (data in name value pairs separated by & character) call this routine to decode those parameters and add them to the parameter map.
        doDecode - true to decode the params as though they are url params
      • parseBodyForParams

        void parseBodyForParams()
        If the body of the message contains parameter data (data in name value pairs separated by & character) call this routine to decode those parameters and add them to the parameter map.
      • getParameter

        String getParameter​(String name)
        Get a parameter value
        name - parameter name
        parameter value
      • getParameterNames

        java.util.Set<String> getParameterNames()
        Get a Set of parameter names
        Set of parameter names
      • getParameterValues

        String[] getParameterValues​(String name)
        Get a multi-value parameter as an array of String
        name - parameter name
        multi-value parameter as an array of String
      • getParameterMap

        java.util.Map<String,​java.util.List<String>> getParameterMap()
        Get the entire parameter Map
        parameter Map
      • getInputStream getInputStream()
        Get the body of the message as an input stream
        body of the message as an input stream
      • getProtocol

        String getProtocol()
        Get the request protocol (example: HTTP/1.1)
        request protocol
      • getScheme

        String getScheme()
        Get the request scheme (Example "http")
        request scheme
      • getServerName

        String getServerName()
        Get the name of the server (Example: "Wowza Streaming Engine")
        name of the server
      • getServerPort

        int getServerPort()
        Get the port this request was received on
        the port this request was received on
      • getRemoteAddr

        String getRemoteAddr()
        Get the remote ip address of the request
        remote ip address of the request
      • getForwardedIP

        String getForwardedIP​(String excludeAddresses)
        Get X-[real-forwarded] address
      • getRemoteHost

        String getRemoteHost()
        Get the remote host name (if known) if not return ip address
        remote host name
      • getLocale

        java.util.Locale getLocale()
        Get locale of request (Example: en-us)
        locale of request
      • isSecure

        boolean isSecure()
        Returns true is the request is protected by SSL
        true is the request is protected by SSL
      • getPath

        String getPath()
        Returns the HTTP path element of the request
        HTTP path element of the request
      • getHeaderBytes

        byte[] getHeaderBytes()
        Returns the header as bytes
        header as bytes
      • getMsgBytes

        byte[] getMsgBytes()
        Return the message bytes
        message bytes
      • isHeadRequest

        boolean isHeadRequest()
        Returns true if the request is a HEAD request
        true if the request is a HEAD request
      • isUpgradeRequest

        boolean isUpgradeRequest()
        Returns true if upgrade request (WebSocket,...)
        Returns true if upgrade request
      • getHost

        String getHost()
        Returns the domain name and possibly the port of the server for which the HTTP Request is being sent to, for both HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 2.0
        the domain name, to possibly include the port for the service requested ( if it is non-standard ), or an empty string if it is not defined