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Wowza Video Upgrade

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Put Wowza Video Into Production

Upgrade your Wowza Video trial subscription and start building video into your production app or service.

Pay As You Go
per month
only pay for usage
Pay As You Go Icon
Best For: Starting up with Wowza
  • Flexible streaming with low startup costs
  • ABR and passthrough streaming
  • Start building, scale as needed
  • $2.50 per streaming hour,
    $0.10 per viewer hour (see plan details below)

35,000+ Video Streaming Implementations Worldwide

The solution you start with, the partner you scale with.

With the Wowza Video Pay As You Go plan, you can build video into your app or service and scale as needed. Pay no subscription fee and only pay for what you use.

Streaming Hours Hourly rate for live and VOD streaming $2.50 per hour
Passthrough: $1 per hour
Viewing Hours Hourly rate for viewing $0.10 per hour
Storage (GB) Rate for storage $0.20 per GB per month
Additional Stream Targets When streaming to multiple targets, e.g. URL and Facebook $0.25 per hour
Support Included support plan — learn more about Wowza Premium Support Standard
Subscription Fee $0 per month, pay only for usage

Ready to Build?

Put Wowza Video into production.