Class VHostNotifyBase

    • Constructor Detail

      • VHostNotifyBase

        public VHostNotifyBase()
    • Method Detail

      • onVHostInit

        public void onVHostInit​(IVHost vhost)
        Description copied from interface: IVHostNotify
        Triggered when vHost initialized
        Specified by:
        onVHostInit in interface IVHostNotify
        vhost - vhost
      • onVHostShutdownStart

        public void onVHostShutdownStart​(IVHost vhost)
        Description copied from interface: IVHostNotify
        Triggered at the beginning of vhost shutdown
        Specified by:
        onVHostShutdownStart in interface IVHostNotify
        vhost - vhost
      • onVHostClientConnect

        public void onVHostClientConnect​(IVHost vhost,
                                         IClient inClient,
                                         com.wowza.wms.request.RequestFunction function,
                                         AMFDataList params)
        Description copied from interface: IVHostNotify
        Triggered before a client connects to this virtual host. Provides an opportunity to rewrite the information that is being used to connect.
        Specified by:
        onVHostClientConnect in interface IVHostNotify
        inClient - client object of the connection
        function - function
        params - parameters