Class SpliceInformationTable

  • public class SpliceInformationTable
    extends Object
    The Class SpliceInformationTable.
    • Field Detail

      • SIT_TABLE_ID

        public static final int SIT_TABLE_ID
        The Constant SIT_TABLE_ID.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • protocolVersion

        public int protocolVersion
        The protocol version.
      • encryptedPacket

        public boolean encryptedPacket
        The encrypted packet.
      • encryptionAlgorithm

        public int encryptionAlgorithm
        The encryption algorithm.
      • ptsAdjustment

        public long ptsAdjustment
        The PTS adjustment.
      • cwIndex

        public int cwIndex
        The CW index.
      • spliceDescriptors

        public java.util.List<Descriptor> spliceDescriptors
        The splice descriptors.
      • encryptedCRC

        public int encryptedCRC
        The encrypted crc.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SpliceInformationTable

        public SpliceInformationTable​(MPEG2Section section)
        Instantiates a new splice information table.
        section - the section
    • Method Detail

      • getProtocolVersion

        public int getProtocolVersion()
      • isEncryptedPacket

        public boolean isEncryptedPacket()
      • getEncryptionAlgorithm

        public int getEncryptionAlgorithm()
      • getPtsAdjustment

        public long getPtsAdjustment()
      • getCwIndex

        public int getCwIndex()
      • getSpliceDescriptors

        public java.util.List<Descriptor> getSpliceDescriptors()
      • getEncryptedCRC

        public int getEncryptedCRC()
      • toString

        public String toString()
        toString in class Object