Class VideoStreamDescriptor

  • public class VideoStreamDescriptor
    extends Descriptor
    The Class VideoStreamDescriptor. The video stream descriptor provides basic information which identifies the coding parameters of a video elementary stream as described in ITU-T Rec. H.262 I ISO/IEC 13818-2 or ISO/IEC 11172-2.
    • Field Detail

      • FRAME_RATE_23_976

        public static final int FRAME_RATE_23_976
        The Constant FRAME_RATE_23_976.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FRAME_RATE_24

        public static final int FRAME_RATE_24
        The Constant FRAME_RATE_24.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FRAME_RATE_25

        public static final int FRAME_RATE_25
        The Constant FRAME_RATE_25.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FRAME_RATE_29_97

        public static final int FRAME_RATE_29_97
        The Constant FRAME_RATE_29_97.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FRAME_RATE_30

        public static final int FRAME_RATE_30
        The Constant FRAME_RATE_30.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FRAME_RATE_50

        public static final int FRAME_RATE_50
        The Constant FRAME_RATE_50.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FRAME_RATE_59_94

        public static final int FRAME_RATE_59_94
        The Constant FRAME_RATE_59_94.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FRAME_RATE_60

        public static final int FRAME_RATE_60
        The Constant FRAME_RATE_60.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • multipleFrameRate

        public boolean multipleFrameRate
        The multiple frame rate.
      • frameRateCode

        public int frameRateCode
        The frame rate code.
      • mpeg1Only

        public boolean mpeg1Only
        The mpeg1 only.
      • constrainedParameter

        public boolean constrainedParameter
        The constrained parameter.
      • stillPicture

        public boolean stillPicture
        The still picture.
      • mpeg1ProfileLevel

        public int mpeg1ProfileLevel
        The mpeg1 profile level.
      • mpeg1ChromaFormat

        public int mpeg1ChromaFormat
        The mpeg1 chroma format.
      • mpeg1FrameRateExt

        public boolean mpeg1FrameRateExt
        The mpeg1 frame rate ext.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VideoStreamDescriptor

        public VideoStreamDescriptor()
        Instantiates a new video stream descriptor.
      • VideoStreamDescriptor

        public VideoStreamDescriptor​(java.nio.ByteBuffer descriptorData)
        Instantiates a new video stream descriptor.
        descriptorData - the descriptor data
    • Method Detail

      • decodeDescriptorData

        public void decodeDescriptorData​(java.nio.ByteBuffer descriptorData)
        Description copied from class: Descriptor
        Decode descriptor data.
        decodeDescriptorData in class Descriptor
        descriptorData - the descriptor data
      • toBin

        public void toBin​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Encodes the Video stream descriptor into binary form for use in transport
        toBin in class Descriptor
        buffer - ByteBuffer to put the binary data
      • binarySize

        public int binarySize()
        How big is the video stream descriptor in binary.
        binarySize in class Descriptor
        the total size of the descriptor in binary form, includes tag and length fields