Class StreamIdentifierDescriptor

  • public class StreamIdentifierDescriptor
    extends Descriptor
    The Class StreamIdentifierDescriptor. The stream identifier descriptor may be used in the PMT to label component streams of a service so that they can be differentiated. The stream identifier descriptor shall be located in the elementary descriptor loop following the relevant ES_info_length field. The stream identifier descriptor shall be used if either the program_splice_flag or the program_segmentation_flag is zero. If stream identifier descriptors are used, a stream identifier descriptor shall be present in each occurrence of the elementary stream loop within the PMT and shall have a unique component tag within the given program.
    • Field Detail

      • componentTag

        public int componentTag
        The component tag.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StreamIdentifierDescriptor

        public StreamIdentifierDescriptor()
        Instantiates a new stream identifier descriptor.
      • StreamIdentifierDescriptor

        public StreamIdentifierDescriptor​(java.nio.ByteBuffer descriptorData)
        Instantiates a new stream identifier descriptor.
        descriptorData - the descriptor data
    • Method Detail

      • decodeDescriptorData

        public void decodeDescriptorData​(java.nio.ByteBuffer descriptorData)
        Description copied from class: Descriptor
        Decode descriptor data.
        decodeDescriptorData in class Descriptor
        descriptorData - the descriptor data
      • toBin

        public void toBin​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Description copied from class: Descriptor
        Encodes the descriptor into binary format for use in a transport
        toBin in class Descriptor
        buffer - a ByteBuffer to put the descriptor binary data into
      • binarySize

        public int binarySize()
        How big is the Stream Identifier descriptor in binary.
        binarySize in class Descriptor
        the total size of the descriptor in binary form, includes tag and length fields
      • getComponentTag

        public int getComponentTag()