Interface IMediaTransportResponse

  • public interface IMediaTransportResponse
    IMediaTransportResponse This object is provided as part of the IMediaTransportProviderListener callback. This is an internal object/class.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addSuccessData​(String key, byte[] data)
      In order to provide as much flexibility as possible it is possible to add 'success' data to the response object in the form of a key and a byte array.
      String getBasicMessage()
      Get the basic message for the response object.
      String getCommand()
      Get the command for the response object.
      String getContentType()
      Get the content type for the response object.
      String getPath()
      Get the path for the response object.
      boolean getSuccess()
      Get the success flag from the response object.
      byte[] getSuccessData​(String key)
      Get the success data available
      java.util.List<String> getSuccessKeyList()
      Get the list of keys that the success data contains.
      String getUUID()
      Get the UUID of the object.
      void setbasicMessage​(String basicMessage)
      Set a basic message for the response object.
      void setCommand​(String command)
      Set the command type for the response object.
      void setContentType​(String contenttype)
      Set the content type for the response object.
      void setPath​(String path)
      Set the path for the response object.
      void setSuccess​(boolean success)
      Set the success flag for the response object.
      void setUUID​(String id)
      Sets the UUID of the response object.
    • Method Detail

      • setUUID

        void setUUID​(String id)
        Sets the UUID of the response object. This should match the IMediaTransportDataObject UUID created when it was initialised.
        String -
      • getUUID

        String getUUID()
        Get the UUID of the object.
      • setPath

        void setPath​(String path)
        Set the path for the response object. This should match the IMediaTransportDataObject path setting.
        String -
      • getPath

        String getPath()
        Get the path for the response object.
      • setContentType

        void setContentType​(String contenttype)
        Set the content type for the response object. This should match the IMediaTransportDataObject content type setting.
        String -
      • getContentType

        String getContentType()
        Get the content type for the response object.
      • setCommand

        void setCommand​(String command)
        Set the command type for the response object. This should match the IMediaTransportDataObject command setting.
        String -
      • getCommand

        String getCommand()
        Get the command for the response object.
      • setbasicMessage

        void setbasicMessage​(String basicMessage)
        Set a basic message for the response object. This allows basic string messages for state to be available in the IMediaTransportProviderListener callback. A common message would be SUCCESS or FAILED.
        String -
      • getBasicMessage

        String getBasicMessage()
        Get the basic message for the response object.
      • setSuccess

        void setSuccess​(boolean success)
        Set the success flag for the response object. If the transport was successful then it should be set to true.
        boolean -
      • getSuccess

        boolean getSuccess()
        Get the success flag from the response object.
      • addSuccessData

        void addSuccessData​(String key,
                            byte[] data)
        In order to provide as much flexibility as possible it is possible to add 'success' data to the response object in the form of a key and a byte array. An example would be as follows MediaTransportConfigurationHTTP.RESPONSE_INDICATOR, String.valueOf("200").getBytes()); This is done within the MediaTransportProviderhHTTP and allows the response code 200 to be added into the success data. There are 3 defined responses, although you can add any you wish IMediaTransportProviderConfiguration.RESPONSE_INDICATOR IMediaTransportProviderConfiguration.RESPONSE_HEADERS IMediaTransportProviderConfiguration.RESPONSE_DATA
        key -
        data -
      • getSuccessData

        byte[] getSuccessData​(String key)
        Get the success data available
        String -
      • getSuccessKeyList

        java.util.List<String> getSuccessKeyList()
        Get the list of keys that the success data contains.