Interface IMediaTransportDataObject

  • public interface IMediaTransportDataObject
    IMediaTransportDataObject This object is used by the MediaTransport sub system and should contain a command ( used by the appropriate transport provider ), content-type, path and a byte[] array of the data to transport.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String getCacheControl()  
      String getCommand()
      Get the command set
      String getContentType()
      Get the content type set.
      byte[] getData()
      Get the data body set
      String getHeader​(String name)  
      java.util.HashMap<String,​String> getHeaders()  
      String getOption​(String name)
      Get an option for this object.
      java.util.HashMap<String,​String> getOptions()
      Get the map of options set for this object.
      String getPath()
      Get the path set
      String getUUID()
      Return the UUID created when the object was initialised.
      void init()
      This initialises the object.
      void setCacheControl​(String cacheControl)  
      void setCommand​(String command)
      This is the command the object needs to use to execute transport within the transport provider.
      void setContentType​(String contentType)
      Set the content type of the object.
      void setData​(byte[] data)
      This sets the data body of the object and must be a byte array.
      void setHeader​(String name, String value)  
      void setOption​(String name, String value)
      Set an option for this object.
      void setPath​(String path)
      This sets the destination path of the object.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init()
        This initialises the object. IT MUST create a UUID for the object upon initialisation and MUST be a string. It is up to the individual implementation to determine the format however MUST have a low chance of conflict for the period of use of the specific object.
      • getUUID

        String getUUID()
        Return the UUID created when the object was initialised.
      • setContentType

        void setContentType​(String contentType)
        Set the content type of the object. This should be a known MIME type that can be understood by the destination for the transport provider being used.
        String -
      • setCommand

        void setCommand​(String command)
        This is the command the object needs to use to execute transport within the transport provider. A default provider available is a HTTP provider so common commands would be GET, PUT, POST, DELETE This is implementation independent so can be anything the provider can understand.
        String -
      • setData

        void setData​(byte[] data)
        This sets the data body of the object and must be a byte array.
        byte - []
      • setPath

        void setPath​(String path)
        This sets the destination path of the object. This will be used by the transport provider. A common path could be /sample.mp4 which would indicate the data set should be stored as sample.mp4 in the root of the transport provider destination.
        String -
      • getData

        byte[] getData()
        Get the data body set
      • getPath

        String getPath()
        Get the path set
      • getContentType

        String getContentType()
        Get the content type set.
      • getCommand

        String getCommand()
        Get the command set
      • setOption

        void setOption​(String name,
                       String value)
        Set an option for this object. The option name set would be used by a transport provider when transporting this object.
        String -
        String -
      • getOption

        String getOption​(String name)
        Get an option for this object. If the option named does not exist it should return null.
        String -
      • getOptions

        java.util.HashMap<String,​String> getOptions()
        Get the map of options set for this object.
      • setHeader

        void setHeader​(String name,
                       String value)
      • getHeader

        String getHeader​(String name)
      • getHeaders

        java.util.HashMap<String,​String> getHeaders()
      • getCacheControl

        String getCacheControl()
      • setCacheControl

        void setCacheControl​(String cacheControl)