Interface IStatsDatabaseManager

  • public interface IStatsDatabaseManager
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void applicationDeleteDatabase​(String vhost, String appName)
      Deletes the stats database used to store the specified application stats data
      IStatsDatabase<?> applicationGetDatabase​(String vhost, String appName)
      Gets the IStatsDB database reference for use in reading and writing to the specified application stats data
      void checkStorage()
      Checks the permissions on the storage root provided.
      boolean isStorageAvailable()
      Indicates if the DB manager can read/write to the supplied storage root.
      void machineDeleteDatabase()
      Deletes the stats database used to store the machine stats data
      IStatsDatabase<?> machineGetDatabase()
      Gets the IStatsDB database reference for use in reading and writing to the machine stats data
      void serverDeleteDatabase()
      Deletes the stats database used to store the server stats data
      IStatsDatabase<?> serverGetDatabase()
      Gets the IStatsDB database reference for use in reading and writing to the server stats data
      void setDebugLogging​(boolean enable)
      sets debug logging within the DB manager as well as any Stats Databases opened/created
      void setStorageRoot​(String storageRoot)
      Sets the storage root for the stats database files
      void vhostDeleteDatabase​(String vhost)
      Deletes the stats database used to store the specified vhost stats data
      IStatsDatabase<?> vhostGetDatabase​(String vhost)
      Gets the IStatsDB database reference for use in reading and writing to the specified vhost stats data
    • Method Detail

      • setStorageRoot

        void setStorageRoot​(String storageRoot)
        Sets the storage root for the stats database files
        storageRoot - absolute or relative paths accepted
      • checkStorage

        void checkStorage()
        Checks the permissions on the storage root provided. Call only if you suspect permissions has changed.
      • isStorageAvailable

        boolean isStorageAvailable()
        Indicates if the DB manager can read/write to the supplied storage root.
        returns false if unable to access/create the provided storage root otherwise true.
      • serverGetDatabase

        IStatsDatabase<?> serverGetDatabase()
        Gets the IStatsDB database reference for use in reading and writing to the server stats data
        returns null if unable to find/create the server stats database
      • machineGetDatabase

        IStatsDatabase<?> machineGetDatabase()
        Gets the IStatsDB database reference for use in reading and writing to the machine stats data
        returns null if unable to find/create the machine stats database
      • vhostGetDatabase

        IStatsDatabase<?> vhostGetDatabase​(String vhost)
        Gets the IStatsDB database reference for use in reading and writing to the specified vhost stats data
        returns null if unable to find/create the specified vhost stats database
      • applicationGetDatabase

        IStatsDatabase<?> applicationGetDatabase​(String vhost,
                                                 String appName)
        Gets the IStatsDB database reference for use in reading and writing to the specified application stats data
        returns null if unable to find/create the specified application stats database
      • serverDeleteDatabase

        void serverDeleteDatabase()
        Deletes the stats database used to store the server stats data
      • machineDeleteDatabase

        void machineDeleteDatabase()
        Deletes the stats database used to store the machine stats data
      • vhostDeleteDatabase

        void vhostDeleteDatabase​(String vhost)
        Deletes the stats database used to store the specified vhost stats data
      • applicationDeleteDatabase

        void applicationDeleteDatabase​(String vhost,
                                       String appName)
        Deletes the stats database used to store the specified application stats data
      • setDebugLogging

        void setDebugLogging​(boolean enable)
        sets debug logging within the DB manager as well as any Stats Databases opened/created
        enable -