Class PushPublishRTSPActionNotify

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PushPublishRTSPActionNotify
    extends Object
    implements IRTSPActionNotify
    The Class PushPublishRTSPActionNotify.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      PushPublishRTSPActionNotify​(com.wowza.wms.pushpublish.module.ModulePushPublish modulePushPublish)
      Instantiates a new push publish rtsp action notify.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void onAnnounce​(RTPSession rtspSession, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
      Invoked by ANNOUNCE command
      void onDescribe​(RTPSession rtspSession, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
      Invoked by DESCRIBE command
      void onGetParameter​(RTPSession rtspSession, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
      Invoked by GET_PARAMETER command
      void onOptions​(RTPSession rtspSession, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
      Invoked by OPTIONS command
      void onPause​(RTPSession rtspSession, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
      Invoked by PAUSE command
      void onPlay​(RTPSession rtspSession, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
      Invoked by PLAY command
      void onRecord​(RTPSession rtspSession, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
      Invoked by RECORD command
      void onRedirect​(RTPSession rtspSession, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
      Invoked by REDIRECT command
      void onSetParameter​(RTPSession rtspSession, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
      Invoked by SET_PARAMETER command
      void onSetup​(RTPSession rtspSession, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
      Invoked by SETUP command
      void onTeardown​(RTPSession rtspSession, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req, com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
      Invoked by TEARDOWN command
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • PushPublishRTSPActionNotify

        public PushPublishRTSPActionNotify​(com.wowza.wms.pushpublish.module.ModulePushPublish modulePushPublish)
        Instantiates a new push publish rtsp action notify.
        modulePushPublish - the module push publish
    • Method Detail

      • onDescribe

        public void onDescribe​(RTPSession rtspSession,
                               com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req,
                               com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
        Description copied from interface: IRTSPActionNotify
        Invoked by DESCRIBE command
        Specified by:
        onDescribe in interface IRTSPActionNotify
        rtspSession - RTP session
        req - RTP request
        resp - RTP response
      • onAnnounce

        public void onAnnounce​(RTPSession rtspSession,
                               com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req,
                               com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
        Description copied from interface: IRTSPActionNotify
        Invoked by ANNOUNCE command
        Specified by:
        onAnnounce in interface IRTSPActionNotify
        rtspSession - RTP session
        req - RTP request
        resp - RTP response
      • onGetParameter

        public void onGetParameter​(RTPSession rtspSession,
                                   com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req,
                                   com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
        Description copied from interface: IRTSPActionNotify
        Invoked by GET_PARAMETER command
        Specified by:
        onGetParameter in interface IRTSPActionNotify
        rtspSession - RTP session
        req - RTP request
        resp - RTP response
      • onSetParameter

        public void onSetParameter​(RTPSession rtspSession,
                                   com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req,
                                   com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
        Description copied from interface: IRTSPActionNotify
        Invoked by SET_PARAMETER command
        Specified by:
        onSetParameter in interface IRTSPActionNotify
        rtspSession - RTP session
        req - RTP request
        resp - RTP response
      • onOptions

        public void onOptions​(RTPSession rtspSession,
                              com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req,
                              com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
        Description copied from interface: IRTSPActionNotify
        Invoked by OPTIONS command
        Specified by:
        onOptions in interface IRTSPActionNotify
        rtspSession - RTP session
        req - RTP request
        resp - RTP response
      • onPause

        public void onPause​(RTPSession rtspSession,
                            com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req,
                            com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
        Description copied from interface: IRTSPActionNotify
        Invoked by PAUSE command
        Specified by:
        onPause in interface IRTSPActionNotify
        rtspSession - RTP session
        req - RTP request
        resp - RTP response
      • onPlay

        public void onPlay​(RTPSession rtspSession,
                           com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req,
                           com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
        Description copied from interface: IRTSPActionNotify
        Invoked by PLAY command
        Specified by:
        onPlay in interface IRTSPActionNotify
        rtspSession - RTP session
        req - RTP request
        resp - RTP response
      • onRecord

        public void onRecord​(RTPSession rtspSession,
                             com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req,
                             com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
        Description copied from interface: IRTSPActionNotify
        Invoked by RECORD command
        Specified by:
        onRecord in interface IRTSPActionNotify
      • onRedirect

        public void onRedirect​(RTPSession rtspSession,
                               com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req,
                               com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
        Description copied from interface: IRTSPActionNotify
        Invoked by REDIRECT command
        Specified by:
        onRedirect in interface IRTSPActionNotify
        rtspSession - RTP session
        req - RTP request
        resp - RTP response
      • onSetup

        public void onSetup​(RTPSession rtspSession,
                            com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req,
                            com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
        Description copied from interface: IRTSPActionNotify
        Invoked by SETUP command
        Specified by:
        onSetup in interface IRTSPActionNotify
        rtspSession - RTP session
        req - RTP request
        resp - RTP response
      • onTeardown

        public void onTeardown​(RTPSession rtspSession,
                               com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPRequestMessage req,
                               com.wowza.wms.rtsp.RTSPResponseMessages resp)
        Description copied from interface: IRTSPActionNotify
        Invoked by TEARDOWN command
        Specified by:
        onTeardown in interface IRTSPActionNotify
        rtspSession - RTP session
        req - RTP request
        resp - RTP response