Interface IPushPublishHTTPCupertino

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int deleteMediaSegment​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
      Deletes the media (chunk) at the destination URI.
      String getDestionationLogData()
      JSON formatted string containing information unique to the instance.
      boolean isSendToBackupServer()
      Is this implementation sending to a backup server
      boolean outputClose()
      Close the destination (if needed).
      boolean outputOpen()
      Open the destination (if needed) in preparation of having one or more items (playlists/media segments) pushed to it
      int sendGroupMasterPlaylist​(String groupName, PlaylistModel playlist)
      Sends a group master playlist to the destination.
      int sendMasterPlaylist​(PlaylistModel playlist)
      Sends the master playlist to the destination.
      int sendMediaPlaylist​(PlaylistModel playlist)
      Sends the media playlist to the destination.
      int sendMediaSegment​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
      Sends the media (chunk) to the destination; media provided as a fragment list.
      void setSendToBackupServer​(boolean backup)
      Setup to send to a backup destination
      boolean updateGroupMasterPlaylistPlaybackURI​(String groupName, PlaylistModel masterPlaylist)
      Get the group master playlist URI for the given group master playlist file that a player would use to consume the content from the CDN Example: ""
      boolean updateMasterPlaylistPlaybackURI​(PlaylistModel playlist)
      update the master playlist URI for the provided playlist model that a player would use to consume the content from the CDN Example: "" where "playlist.m3u8" is the value given for masterPlaylistFilename
      boolean updateMediaPlaylistPlaybackURI​(PlaylistModel playlist)
      update/set the media playlist (chunklist) URI for the provided media playlist file that a player would use to consume the content from the CDN Example: "" where "chunklist.m3u8" is the value given for mediaPlaylistFilename
      boolean updateMediaSegmentPlaybackURI​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
      set the media URI for the given media (chunk) file that a player would use to consume the content from the CDN Example: "" where "media_1.ts" is the value given for mediaFilename
    • Method Detail

      • updateMasterPlaylistPlaybackURI

        boolean updateMasterPlaylistPlaybackURI​(PlaylistModel playlist)
        update the master playlist URI for the provided playlist model that a player would use to consume the content from the CDN Example: "" where "playlist.m3u8" is the value given for masterPlaylistFilename
        playlist - the master playlist model to update the URI in
        true if the URI was updated
      • sendMasterPlaylist

        int sendMasterPlaylist​(PlaylistModel playlist)
        Sends the master playlist to the destination.
        playlist - the master playlist model
        number of bytes sent to output (less than zero implies the implementation does not support, 0 is a failure, > 0 is success)
      • updateMediaPlaylistPlaybackURI

        boolean updateMediaPlaylistPlaybackURI​(PlaylistModel playlist)
        update/set the media playlist (chunklist) URI for the provided media playlist file that a player would use to consume the content from the CDN Example: "" where "chunklist.m3u8" is the value given for mediaPlaylistFilename
        playlist - to update the uri in
        true if the playlist uri was updated
      • sendMediaPlaylist

        int sendMediaPlaylist​(PlaylistModel playlist)
        Sends the media playlist to the destination.
        playlist - the media playlist model
        number of bytes sent to output (less than zero implies the implementation does not support, 0 is a failure, > 0 is success)
      • updateMediaSegmentPlaybackURI

        boolean updateMediaSegmentPlaybackURI​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
        set the media URI for the given media (chunk) file that a player would use to consume the content from the CDN Example: "" where "media_1.ts" is the value given for mediaFilename
        mediaSegment - to update the uri of
        true if the uri was updated
      • sendMediaSegment

        int sendMediaSegment​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
        Sends the media (chunk) to the destination; media provided as a fragment list.
        mediaSegment - the media file in fragment list form
        number of bytes sent to output (less than zero implies the implementation does not support, 0 is a failure, > 0 is success)
      • deleteMediaSegment

        int deleteMediaSegment​(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
        Deletes the media (chunk) at the destination URI. Default implementation assumes the URI uses the HTTP schema and deletes the media using the WSE HTTPByteWriter. Implementations not using the HTTP schema or not wanting to use the default HTTPByteWriter should override the default method.
        mediaSegment - the media destination URI
        number of bytes sent if successful (less than zero implies the implementation does not support, 0 is a failure, > 0 is success)
      • updateGroupMasterPlaylistPlaybackURI

        boolean updateGroupMasterPlaylistPlaybackURI​(String groupName,
                                                     PlaylistModel masterPlaylist)
        Get the group master playlist URI for the given group master playlist file that a player would use to consume the content from the CDN Example: ""
        groupName - group name
        masterPlaylist - master group playlist
        true if the uri was updated
      • sendGroupMasterPlaylist

        int sendGroupMasterPlaylist​(String groupName,
                                    PlaylistModel playlist)
        Sends a group master playlist to the destination.
        groupName - the group name
        playlist - the group master playlist model
        number of bytes sent to output
      • setSendToBackupServer

        void setSendToBackupServer​(boolean backup)
        Setup to send to a backup destination
      • isSendToBackupServer

        boolean isSendToBackupServer()
        Is this implementation sending to a backup server
        true if sending to a backup server
      • outputOpen

        boolean outputOpen()
        Open the destination (if needed) in preparation of having one or more items (playlists/media segments) pushed to it
        true if the destination was opened
      • outputClose

        boolean outputClose()
        Close the destination (if needed). All items (playlist/media segments) have been pushed to bring the destination up to date with the current state
        true if the destination was closed
      • getDestionationLogData

        String getDestionationLogData()
        JSON formatted string containing information unique to the instance. This information is added to the log entry when starting and stopping the push publish session.
        string in JSON format (including outer braces)