Interface IModuleOnHTTPMPEGDashEncryption

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface IModuleOnHTTPMPEGDashEncryption

    IModuleOnHTTPMPEGDashEncryption: listener interface for listening to MPEG-DASH encryption events.

    • Method Detail

      • onHTTPMPEGDashEncryptionKeyVODChunk

        void onHTTPMPEGDashEncryptionKeyVODChunk​(HTTPStreamerSessionMPEGDash httpSession,
                                                 IHTTPStreamerMPEGDashIndex index,
                                                 CencInfo cencInfo,
                                                 long chunkId)
        Called when video on demand key is requested (per-session). Allows setting of encryption key and URL.
        httpSession - HTTP session
        index - file index
        cencInfo - Common Encryption information
        chunkId - chunk identifier
      • onHTTPMPEGDashEncryptionKeyLiveChunk

        void onHTTPMPEGDashEncryptionKeyLiveChunk​(ILiveStreamPacketizer liveStreamPacketizer,
                                                  String streamName,
                                                  CencInfo cencInfo,
                                                  long chunkId)
        Called when live stream key is requested (per-published stream)
        liveStreamPacketizer - live stream packetizer
        streamName - stream name
        cencInfo - Common Encryption information
        chunkId - chunk identifier