Interface IModuleOnConnect

  • public interface IModuleOnConnect

    IModuleOnConnect: method interface examples for client level methods in a module.

    Since module method must be implemented as static method a module cannot directly implements this interface. This interface only serves as an example of the method names and call signature needed to implement these client methods.

    • Method Detail

      • onConnect

        void onConnect​(IClient client,
                       com.wowza.wms.request.RequestFunction function,
                       AMFDataList params)
        Invoked when a client connection is initiated. It is within this method that module can call to client.acceptConnection or client.rejectConnection.
        client - client
        function - function object
        params - function parameters
      • onDisconnect

        void onDisconnect​(IClient client)
        Invoked when a client disconnects.
        client - client
      • onConnectAccept

        void onConnectAccept​(IClient client)
        Invoked when a client connection is accepted.
        client - client
      • onConnectReject

        void onConnectReject​(IClient client)
        Invoked when a client connection is rejected.
        client - client