Interface IModuleOnCall

  • public interface IModuleOnCall

    IModuleOnCall: method interface example for the catch-all method handler onCall.

    Since module method must be implemented as static method a module cannot directly implements this interface. This interface only serves as an example of the method name and call signature needed to implement this method. The onCall method, when defined in a module, is invoked for all handlers that are undefined in a given module. The onCall handler can also be used to catch calls to server side component calls.

    • Method Detail

      • onCall

        void onCall​(String handlerName,
                    IClient client,
                    com.wowza.wms.request.RequestFunction function,
                    AMFDataList params)
        Catch-all method handler. The onCall method, when defined in a module, is invoked for all handlers that are undefined in a given module.
        handlerName - handler name
        client - client
        function - function object
        params - function parameters