Interface ICupertinoMediaCasterPlaylistParser

  • public interface ICupertinoMediaCasterPlaylistParser
    Interface to parse manifests for processing This can be replaced by a custom implementation from the default using the property in MediaCaster -> Properties Name: cupertinoPlaylistParserClass Value: Full Class Path Type: String
    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(ICupertinoMediaCasterHolders myholders,
                  WMSProperties props)
        Called when the class is initiated.
        myholders - Management framework object for manifest entries
        props - MediaCaster properties object
      • setContext

        void setContext​(com.wowza.wms.mediacaster.cupertino.CupertinoMediaCasterContext context)
        Called when the class is initiated.
        context - MediaCaster context object containing configuration settings
      • getCurrentIndex

        int getCurrentIndex()
        Returns the current manifest number
        int Current manifest index number
      • setCurrentIndex

        void setCurrentIndex​(int index)
        Sets the current manifest number
        index -
      • parseCupertinoPlaylist

        void parseCupertinoPlaylist​(String baseurl,
                                    String mainplaylist)
        Parses the main manifest string provided in mainplaylist. In order to support absolute URIs the baseurl used to retrieve the manifest is also made available.
        baseurl - - baseurl used to retrieve the chunklist
        mainplaylist - - string containing the playlist For each new entry found a new ICupertinoMediaCasterHolder is added to ICupertinoMediaCasterHolders
      • parseCupertinoChunklist

        int parseCupertinoChunklist​(String baseurl,
                                    String chunklist,
                                    ICupertinoMediaCasterHolder holder,
                                    int indexpos)
        Parses a specific chunklist found in the main manifest via the chunklist string provided In order to support absolute URIs the baseurl used to retrieve the manifest is also made available.
        baseurl - - baseurl used to retrieve the chunklist
        chunklist - - string containing the chunklist
        holder - - pointer to the holder of this chunklist information to be updated
        indexpos - - index of this chunk list against the main playlist
        int - Should contain the index number of the last chunk processed