Interface ICupertinoMediaCasterChunkFetch

  • public interface ICupertinoMediaCasterChunkFetch
    Interface to fetch Apple HLS chunks for processing This can be replaced by a custom implementation from the default using the property in MediaCaster -> Properties Name: cupertinoChunkFetchClass Value: Full Class Path Type: String
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      com.wowza.wms.mediacaster.cupertino.CupertinoMediaCasterFetchedResult fetchBlock​(String path, int timeOut, int retries)
      Called when a manifest is to be fetched
      com.wowza.wms.mediacaster.cupertino.CupertinoMediaCasterFetchedResult fetchManifest​(String path, int timeOut, int retries)
      Called when a manifest is to be fetched
      void init​(IApplicationInstance appins, com.wowza.wms.mediacaster.cupertino.CupertinoMediaCasterContext context)
      Called when the class is initiated.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(IApplicationInstance appins,
                  com.wowza.wms.mediacaster.cupertino.CupertinoMediaCasterContext context)
        Called when the class is initiated.
        appins - Application instance
        context - MediaCaster context object containing configuration settings
      • fetchManifest

        com.wowza.wms.mediacaster.cupertino.CupertinoMediaCasterFetchedResult fetchManifest​(String path,
                                                                                            int timeOut,
                                                                                            int retries)
        Called when a manifest is to be fetched
        path - - The path to the manifest to be fetched. It is up to the class to handle the path
        timeOut - - The time in milliseconds to wait for a timeout
        retries - - The number of retries to perform when attempt to get the data requested
        CupertinoMediaCasterFetchedResult - The data type should be set to CupertinoMediaCasterFetchedResult.textType
      • fetchBlock

        com.wowza.wms.mediacaster.cupertino.CupertinoMediaCasterFetchedResult fetchBlock​(String path,
                                                                                         int timeOut,
                                                                                         int retries)
        Called when a manifest is to be fetched
        path - - The path to the asset to be fetched. It is up to the class to handle the path
        timeOut - - The time in milliseconds to wait for a timeout
        retries - - The number of retries to perform when attempt to get the data requested
        CupertinoMediaCasterFetchedResult - The data type should be set to CupertinoMediaCasterFetchedResult.dataType