Class ModuleMediaCaster

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ModuleMediaCaster
    extends ModuleBase
    implements IModuleOnApp

    ModuleMediaCaster: Module for manipulating media casters through a Flash UI.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ModuleMediaCaster

        public ModuleMediaCaster()
    • Method Detail

      • getLockCount

        public void getLockCount​(IClient client,
                                 com.wowza.wms.request.RequestFunction function,
                                 AMFDataList params)
        Get the current lock count for a stream
        client - client
        function - function
        params - {streamName}
      • getPlayerCount

        public void getPlayerCount​(IClient client,
                                   com.wowza.wms.request.RequestFunction function,
                                   AMFDataList params)
        Get the numbers of players associated with a particular media caster
        client - client
        function - function
        params - {streamName}
      • getStreamNames

        public void getStreamNames​(IClient client,
                                   com.wowza.wms.request.RequestFunction function,
                                   AMFDataList params)
        Get an array of stream names that are media casters associate with this application instance (returned as AMFDataArray)
        client - client
        function - function
        params - (no params)
      • resetStream

        public void resetStream​(IClient client,
                                com.wowza.wms.request.RequestFunction function,
                                AMFDataList params)
        Reset a media caster stream
        client - client
        function - function
        params - {streamName}
      • shutdownStream

        public void shutdownStream​(IClient client,
                                   com.wowza.wms.request.RequestFunction function,
                                   AMFDataList params)
        Force shutdown a media caster stream
        client - client
        function - function
        params - {streamName}
      • acquireMediaCaster

        public void acquireMediaCaster​(IClient client,
                                       com.wowza.wms.request.RequestFunction function,
                                       AMFDataList params)
        Increment the lock count of a media caster stream. If the media caster does not exist create it and connect.
        client - client
        function - function
        params - {streamName, streamType [optional]}
      • releaseMediaCaster

        public void releaseMediaCaster​(IClient client,
                                       com.wowza.wms.request.RequestFunction function,
                                       AMFDataList params)
        Decrement the lock count of a media caster stream
        client - client
        function - function
        params - {streamName}