Interface IMediaCacheSourceNotify

  • public interface IMediaCacheSourceNotify
    MediaCache Interface for source creation and destroy notifications
    This interface can be configured via the CacheSourceListenerClassList configuration item in the main MediaCache configuration section.
    It is triggered when a source is added/removed from the running MediaCache configuration. This is done either as MediaCache starts up or dynamically via the API.
    • Method Detail

      • onMediaCacheSourceCreate

        void onMediaCacheSourceCreate​(IMediaCacheSource mediaCacheSource)
        When a source is added this is called with the current source as a parameter.
        mediaCacheSource -
      • onMediaCacheSourceDestroy

        void onMediaCacheSourceDestroy​(IMediaCacheSource mediaCacheSource)
        When a source is removed successfully this is called with the source that has been removed as a parameter.
        mediaCacheSource -