Interface IMediaCacheContextMapper

  • public interface IMediaCacheContextMapper
      Interface for ContextMapper implementations
      This interface is invoked via the ContextMapperClass configuration item in the
      main MediaCache configuration section.
      When the context mapper class implementation is in use the configuration parameters
      are no longer implemented and it is up to the context mapper to implement these
      if needed.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(com.wowza.wms.mediacache.model.MediaCache mediaCache)
        Initialize the context mapper. This provides the context for the instance of media cache being used.
        MediaCache - mediaCache
      • getMediaNameFromContext

        String getMediaNameFromContext​(IApplicationInstance appInstance,
                                       IMediaStream stream,
                                       String basePath,
                                       String mediaName,
                                       String mediaExtension)
        This is called each time a request is made into the MediaCache system for retrieval.
        The input parameters provide a context of the request
        appInstance - Application instance related to the client making the request
        stream - IMediaStream object directly attached to the client
        basePath - The current source base path the request will be services by. If this is empty then
                     no source was found for the request
        mediaName - The asset name with the source prefixed, such as http/mp4:sample.mp4. This would indicate
                     the source with a prefix of http/ was being used.
        mediaExtension - This is the extension of the asset, so commonly mp4.
        The return parameter should be the mediaName needed to satisfy the Media Cache request. At this stage you can change/manipulate the mediaName to point to a different source, or even serve completely different
        content if required.
        If you do not want to do anything you can pass the mediaName directly to the output parameter.
        appInstance -
        stream -
        basePath -
        mediaName -
        mediaExtension -