Class TagReaderLogging

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class TagReaderLogging
    extends Object
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Constructs an empty tag parsing logger
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean getDebugLogEnabled()  
      boolean getUseSystemOut()
      Get the setting controling the debug output to System.out (vs log4j)
      void logDebug​(String context, String tag, String log)
      log information conditionally based on debug setting using the info level of the logger
      void logError​(String context, String tag, String log)
      log a string at the error setting
      void logError​(String context, String tag, String log, Throwable e)
      log a string and a throwable information at the error setting
      void logError​(String context, String tag, Throwable e)
      log a throwables information at the error setting
      void logInfo​(String context, String tag, String log)
      Log a string at the info setting
      void logWarn​(String context, String tag, String log)
      log a string at the warn setting
      boolean setDebugLogEnabled​(boolean debugLog)
      Enable/disable debug logging.
      void setUseSystemOut​(boolean useSystemOut)
      specify whether to log using System.out rather than the default (log4j)
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • TagReaderLogging

        public TagReaderLogging()
        Constructs an empty tag parsing logger
    • Method Detail

      • setDebugLogEnabled

        public boolean setDebugLogEnabled​(boolean debugLog)
        Enable/disable debug logging.
        debugLog -
        boolean value of the debug log setting before applying the new setting
      • getDebugLogEnabled

        public boolean getDebugLogEnabled()
      • setUseSystemOut

        public void setUseSystemOut​(boolean useSystemOut)
        specify whether to log using System.out rather than the default (log4j)
        useSystemOut -
      • getUseSystemOut

        public boolean getUseSystemOut()
        Get the setting controling the debug output to System.out (vs log4j)
        true if using System.out for logging
      • logDebug

        public void logDebug​(String context,
                             String tag,
                             String log)
        log information conditionally based on debug setting using the info level of the logger
        log - - the string to log
      • logInfo

        public void logInfo​(String context,
                            String tag,
                            String log)
        Log a string at the info setting
        log - - the string to log
      • logWarn

        public void logWarn​(String context,
                            String tag,
                            String log)
        log a string at the warn setting
        log - - the string to log
      • logError

        public void logError​(String context,
                             String tag,
                             String log)
        log a string at the error setting
        log - - the string to log
      • logError

        public void logError​(String context,
                             String tag,
                             String log,
                             Throwable e)
        log a string and a throwable information at the error setting
        log - - the string to log
        e - - the throwable exception to log the information about
      • logError

        public void logError​(String context,
                             String tag,
                             Throwable e)
        log a throwables information at the error setting
        e - - the throwable exception to log the information about