Interface ILogNotify

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ILogNotify

    ILogNotify: Interface to add custom fields to the Wowza Streaming Engine log files. To add your own custom log fields, define a class that implements this interface. The onLog method will be called each time the Wowza Streaming Engine server logs a message. Here is an example of a simple ILogNotify class that logs the current system time in milliseconds as a Long (systime-long) and as a String (systime-string).

    package com.wowza.wms.plugin.newlogfields;
    import org.apache.log4j.*;
    import com.wowza.wms.logging.*;
    public class LogNotifyDocs implements ILogNotify
            public void onLog(Level level, String comment, IMediaStream stream, String category, String event, int status, String context)
                    long systime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    WMSLoggerFactory.putGlobalLogValue("systime-long", new Long(systime));
                    WMSLoggerFactory.putGlobalLogValue("systime-string", systime+"");

    Note: To get any of the values currently being logged use the logging API WMSLoggerFactory.getGlobalLogValue(WMSLoggerIDs.FD_*)

    To add your class to Wowza Streaming Engine, compile your class into a .class file, bind the class into a .jar file and copy the .jar file into the Wowza Streaming Engine server /lib folder. Next, edit:

    • [install-dir]/conf/Tune.xml

    Add -Dcom.wowza.wms.logging.LogNotify=[full-path-to-your-ILogNotify-class] to the VMOptions in Tune.xml. For example for the class above the VMOption would look like:


    Next, edit [install-dir]/conf/ and add the new field names to any log4j.appender.[appender-name].layout.Fields fields lists to which you want to log these values. For example:

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default void onLog​(WMSLogger logger, WMSLoggerEvent logEvent)
      Called each time the server logs a message.
      default void onLog​(org.apache.logging.log4j.Level level, String comment, IMediaStream stream, String category, String event, int status, String context)
      Called each time the server logs a message.
    • Method Detail

      • onLog

        default void onLog​(org.apache.logging.log4j.Level level,
                           String comment,
                           IMediaStream stream,
                           String category,
                           String event,
                           int status,
                           String context)
        Called each time the server logs a message.
        level - log level as defined by (org.apache.logging.log4j.Level)
        comment - comment part of the log statement
        stream - if stream category log message it's the source stream
        category - log category as defined by WMSLoggerIDs.CAT_*
        event - log event as defined by WMSLoggerIDs.EVT_*
        status - log status (same as HTTP status field) as defined by WMSLoggerIDs.STAT_*
        context - log context value like stream name, vhost name, application name
      • onLog

        default void onLog​(WMSLogger logger,
                           WMSLoggerEvent logEvent)
        Called each time the server logs a message.
        logger - logger being used
        logEvent - log event data