Interface IMediaSegment

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IMediaSegment
    Interface to unify and normalize methods for all HTTP media fragment representations. Should be implemented by HLS chunks, MPEG DASH segments and CMAF Fragments The term Fragment is taken from CMAF definition.
    • Method Detail

      • getIndex

        Long getIndex()
        index assigned to this fragment on creation
      • getManifestIndex

        Long getManifestIndex()
        Allows the representation to use another identificator for this fragment if needed If none are defined, this MUST be equal to getIndex()
        index to be used to represent this chunk in the manifest
      • isAudioFragment

        boolean isAudioFragment()
        true iff this fragment contains a representation of an audio fragment
      • isVideoFragment

        boolean isVideoFragment()
        true iff this fragment contains a representation of a video fragment
      • getDuration

        long getDuration()
        duration of the fragment