Interface IDvrRecordingsLoader

    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(IDvrStreamManager dvrMgr)
        Initialize recordings loader
        dvrMgr - the DVR Stream Manager
      • loadArchivedRecordings

        void loadArchivedRecordings()
        Discover and load archived recording
      • shouldLoadStream

        boolean shouldLoadStream​(String streamName,
                                 java.util.SortedSet<Integer> versions)
        Should the given archived streams be laoded. The method contains logic which determines if all versions of the given stream Name should be loaded or not.
        streamName - Stream name (unversioned)
        versions - sorted set of available versions of this stream
        true if one or more of the streams should be laoded, false otherwise.
      • shouldLoadStreamVersion

        boolean shouldLoadStreamVersion​(String streamName,
                                        Integer version,
                                        java.util.SortedSet<Integer> versions)
        Should the given archived stream of specific version be laoded. The method contains logic which determines if all versions of the given stream Name should be loaded or not.
        streamName - Stream name (unversioned)
        version - the specific version of the stream we are determining if we should laod
        versions - sorted set of all available versions of this stream
        true if one or more of the streams should be laoded, false otherwise.