Interface IAuthenticate

  • public interface IAuthenticate

    IAuthenticate: HTTP and RTSP authentication interface

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void init​(IApplicationInstance appInstance, com.wowza.wms.authentication.AuthenticationItem authenticationItem)
      Initialize authentication class when instantiated as part of an application instance
      void init​(IVHost vhost, com.wowza.wms.authentication.AuthenticationItem authenticationItem)
      Initialize authentication class when instantiated as part of a vhost
    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(IApplicationInstance appInstance,
                  com.wowza.wms.authentication.AuthenticationItem authenticationItem)
        Initialize authentication class when instantiated as part of an application instance
        appInstance - application instance
        authenticationItem - authentication item
      • init

        void init​(IVHost vhost,
                  com.wowza.wms.authentication.AuthenticationItem authenticationItem)
        Initialize authentication class when instantiated as part of a vhost
        vhost - vhost
        authenticationItem - authentication item